2015 Alaska Oil Spill Technology Symposium (AOSTS)
The Alaska Oil Spill Technology Symposium will bring together subject matter experts, regulators, emergency responders, and energy producers to discuss cutting edge oil spill research, emerging technologies, and new protective strategies. Participants for this two day event will represent the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, United States Coast Guard, Environmental Protection Agency, University of Alaska, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oil Spill Response Organizations (OSROs), and energy producers. Bringing these entities together enhances information sharing and collaboration on oil spill response challenges in northern latitudes. The symposium will inform State and Federal On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs) & responders about the newest tools, techniques, and research that prevent oil spills and mitigate environmental damage when spills occur. Both OSCs and responders will learn about the capabilities and limitations of emerging technologies to streamline response decisions and improve spill response management.
The symposium has the added benefit of closing gaps among agencies, OSROs, energy producers, and academia while enhancing resource protection. The University will benefit by learning about existing agency initiatives, incident management, and current knowledge gaps, which will improve research proposals to address current and future needs. Industry and agencies benefit from making new connections, sharing information, and promoting research to address their needs. Graduate students will be better prepared to tackle the challenges of oil spill preparedness and response in Alaska after graduation.
A detailed agenda with speakers and presentation topics will be added to this site and periodically updated as speakers confirm their participation. Contact Ashley Adamczak 907-451-2124 for more information.