How to Report Oiled Wildlife
For your safety and the safety of the wildlife:
Do not touch or approach wildlife.
Report live or dead oiled wildlife
Marine Mammals
- National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Marine Mammal Stranding Network: 1-877-925-7773
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Sick or Dead Bird Hotline: 1-866-527-3358 or
Terrestrial Mammals, Fish, or Shellfish
- Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Jeanette Alas: 907-267-2805 or
Information to provide
- Time, date, and location of observation (including latitude/longitude if available)
- Type of species and numbers of each species observed
- Condition of animal (dead, slightly oiled, preening, scavenging, etc.)
- Photograph(s) if available

Observations of oil or sheen on the shore or in the water should be reported to the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802 or report a spill to DEC.