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F/V Steelhead FREON22 Release

Valdez City Dock, Valdez , Alaska
Exact time of the release is unknown. The Valdez Fire Department was notified of the release at 8:15 P.M. , June 27, 2004 . ADEC was notified by the Valdez Police Department at 9:00 P.M.
Spill Id
Product/ Quantity
20 pounds Chlorodifluoromethane commonly known as FREON22
Based upon a preliminary investigation the cause of the spill appears to be a broken fitting that released the FREON22 into the foc’scle.

ADEC Situation Reports

State of Alaska static map

Contact Information


Images may be downloaded for free and used in publications provided credit is given to the source.

June 27, 2004

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