ASRC Truck Rollover at DHMP 317.8
- Location
- Dalton Highway Mile Post 317.8 which is about 100 miles south of Deadhorse near Pump Station 3.
- Time/Date
- According to Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, the truck rollover occurred at 8:00 AM on November 20, 2004 . The spill was discovered at sunrise, at approximately 9:30 AM . Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (APSC) was notified by ASRC of the spill at 11:30 AM . APSC reported the spill to the Trooper Dispatch at 2:40 PM who notified ADEC at 2:45 PM
- Spill Id
- 04399932501
- Product/ Quantity
- The spill was a mixture of vehicle fluids. APSC estimated that 175 gallons of diesel was released from the truck’s saddle tanks, 30 gallons of hydraulic oil, 15 gallons of motor oil, and 7 gallons of propylene glycol.
- Cause
- Truck rollover. Detailed information is still under investigation
ADEC Situation Reports
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