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Annual Reports

The current SPAR Annual Report along with the corresponding appendices are available below. The report provides detail concerning regional matters, data analysis, accomplishments, and goals for each of our three programs. We hope the information in this report is helpful and provides you with an understanding of the important work performed by the Division of Spill Prevention and Response. For reference, a list of common acronyms and abbreviations used throughout the annual report are provided in our Acronym List (PDF 192K).

  • Prior to 2015, SPAR produced a biennial report. Previous fiscal year reports, as well as historic biennial reports are also listed in the below table.
  • As per Alaska statute (AS 46.08.060), DEC is required to make this report available to legislators within ten days after the first regular session begins. DEC is also required to identify contaminated sites by priority statewide and by community (View sites by priority in your community).
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