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Wastewater Discharge Authorization and APDES Program


Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of Water - wastewater permitting programs has transitioned to a new online system called the Environmental Data Management System (EDMS) and Customer Service Portal. This new system streamlines communication between DEC, regulated entities, and the public and makes it easier to submit and access permit and compliance information for your facilities. DMRs will continue to be submitted electronically through NetDMR.

Effective Monday, June 6, 2022, all CWA wastewater permit required submissions (e.g., Notices of Intent (NOIs), Notice of Termination (NOT) and Annual reports) are to be submitted electronically through EDMS, unless prior approval has been obtained from DEC for an alternative means. Submitting this information through the EDMS will allow the Division to better serve you by providing a more direct line of communication with the Department.

EDMS replaces the DEC Online Application System (OASys) for online form submissions.

Public Notices

No Public Notices to display currently.

Notices of Review

No notices of review to display

Recently Issued Permits

No Recently Issued Permits to display currently.

Of Interest

No Items of Interest to display currently.

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