This page is only used to pay fees before mailing your paperwork. Simply paying fees does not schedule you for services. For upgrade and exam applications, you must mail all paperwork, including a copy of your payment receipt, by the applicable deadlines. For all other services, submit the applicable paperwork with a copy of your payment receipt.
You must have a myAlaska account to pay fees online. If you don’t have an account, first visit
MyAlaska to set one up, then revisit this payment page.
The following process must be followed:
- Make sure you have a myAlaska account
- List the fees you’re paying on the following page
- Pay the fees using a credit card
- Receive the payment receipt via email immediately after paying the fees
- Mail your paperwork and receipt to the Operator Certification Office
Online Renewals:
To renew certificates, click the “Operator Search” link to the left side of this screen. Then search for your name, click on your name, and click the “Renew 20xx Certificates Online” button.