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Public Notice Version of the 2024 Proposed Amendments to the Fairbanks PM2.5 Serious SIP

On September 24, 2021, the EPA approved parts of the Serious SIP submissions in the Federal Register (86 FR 52997). However, on January 10, 2023, they published the proposed partial disapproval of the SIP in the Federal Register (88 FR 1454). On December 5, 2023, the EPA published the final partial disapproval of the FNSB 24-hour PM2.5 Serious SIP and 189(d) Plan in the Federal Register (88 FR 84626). Following the final disapproval, ADEC is required to submit revised regulations and amended/revised Serious SIP to address the EPA’s identified deficiencies.

Note: The information on the 2024 proposed SIP Amendment and the public review timeline can be found on the 2024 Proposed Amendments to the Fairbanks PM2.5 Serious SIP web page.

The currently adopted Serious SIP and the 2020 Amendments can be found on the 2020 FNSB PM2.5 5% Plan Regulation & SIP Amendments web page

The public notice drafts of the 2024 Proposed Amendment Serious SIP Sections and Appendices, including the excel spreadsheets and MOVES input files for the Conformity and Motor Vehicle Emission Budget can be downloaded from the links below:

List of 2024 Proposed Amendment Serious Sections (Select documents below to view PDF)

List of 2024 Proposed Amendment Appendices and Spreadsheets (Select document below to view PDF and Excel Spreadsheet)

  • Proposed Amendment SIP Emission Inventory Worksheet Excel File
    Fairbanks PM2.5 2024 Amendment SIP Control Measure Benefits.xlsx XLSX
    Fairbanks PM2.5 2024 Amendment SIP SCC Emission Summary Inventories.xlsx XLSX
    Fairbanks PM2.5 2024 Amendment SIP Sector Emission Summary Calculation.xlsx XLSX
  • Appendix III.D.7.07 Control Strategies
  • Appendix III.D.7.07 is divided into 5 parts because of its large size. The table below shows the various parts and the pages.
  • Appendix III.D.7.07 File Type Page Numbers
    Part 1 BACM Pages 1-164
    Part 2 Chena Power Plant Part 2a, Part 2b, Part 2c Pages 165-1046
    Part 3 Fort Wainwright Plant Pages 1047-1122
    Part 4 GVEA North Pole and Zehnder Power Plants Pages 1123-1479
    Part 5 UAF Part 5a, Part 5b, Part 5c, Part 5d Pages 1480-2386
    • Proposed Amendment SIP Control Measure Analysis Worksheet Excel File
      2024 Amendment SIP BACM Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Charbroilers Measure 68.xlsx XLSX
      2024 Amendment SIP BACM Cost Effectiveness Analysis - IdlingHDV - Measure 57-60-R20.xlsx XLSX
      2024 Amendment SIP BACM Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Revised IdlingLDV - Measure 57-60-R20.xlsx XLSX
      2024 Amendment SIP BACM Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Revised ULSD CE - Measure 51.xlsx XLSX
      2024 Amendment SIP BACM Cost Effectiveness Analysis - Used Oil Disposal Measure 70.xlsx XLSX
    • Aurora Chena Plant BACT Worksheet Excel File
      02.23.24 Statistical Analysis for PM2.5 Emission Limit from 2011 Source Test.xlsx XLSX
      31430 Aurora DSI Opinion of Probable Cost.xlsx XLSX
      AppxA&B CPP BACT Tables 2024125.xlsx XLSX
      0327.24 Department DSI Cost calculations.xlsx XLSX
      1009.23 Aurora Rail Samples for Coal.xlsx XLSX
      10.10.23 ADEC Preliminary Estimate of Increased Load on Chena Power Plant Baghouse.xlsx XLSX
    • GVEA North Pole Power BACT Worksheet Excel File
      Updated Department North Pole Power Plant SO2 Controls Economic Analysis.xlsx XLSX
      GVEA Fuel Prices.xlsx XLSX
      AQ0110TVP04 NPP FuelPrices Provided 02.24.2021.xlsx XLSX
    • GVEA Zehnder Power BACT Worksheet Excel File
      Updated Department Zehnder Power Plant SO2 Controls Economic Analysis.xlsx XLSX
      A04-FuelPricesPrices.xlsx XLSX
    • University of Fairbanks Power BACT Worksheet Excel File
      Department BACT AppxG Andritz CDS-CostEst.xlsx XLSX
      Department BACT AppxH BACT DSI CostEst _Jan2023.xlsx XLSX
      Department BACT AppxH BACT TriMer_DSI-CostEst_Jan2023.xlsx XLSX
      Departments UAF_BACT AppxF EPA WFG CCM Est.xlsx XLSX
      Updated Department Version of UAF BACT PM2.5 Tables 4-X.xlsx XLSX
      UAF BACT AppxF EPA WFGD CCM EstmateJan2023.xlsx XLSX
      UAF BACT AppxG Andritz CDS CostEst Jan2023.xlsx XLSX
      UAF BACT AppxH BACT DSI-CostEst Jan2023.xlsx XLSX
      UAF BACT AppxH TriMer DSI-CostEst Jan2023.xlsx XLSX
      UAF BACT Report Tables Jan2023.xlsx XLSX
      Costs Assoc W Stack Replacement or CDS Jan2023.xlsx XLSX
    • Proposed Amendment SIP Modeling Worksheet Excel File
      2024 Amendment SIP SMAT Worksheet.xlsx XLSX
      2024 Amendment SIP Primary Secondary Sulfate Worksheet.xlsx XLSX
    • Emission Control Input File for CMAQ File Type
      EmmissCtrl-git-fix20192020.nml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request 
      EmmissCtrl-git-fix20192020-zeropoint.nml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request 
      EmmissCtrl-git-fix20192020-zeroSO2points.nml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request 
      EmmissCtrl-git-fix20192020-zeropospaceheat.nml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request 
    • Proposed Amendment SIP Attainment Demonstration Analysis Worksheet Excel File
      2024 Amendment SIP Sector Emission Summary Calculation.xlsx XLSX
      2024 Amendment SIP Control Measure Benefits Calculation.xlsx XLSX
    • Proposed Amendment SIP Reasonable Further Progress Worksheet Excel File
      2024 Amendment SIP Sector Emission Summary Calculation.xlsx XLSX
      2024 Amendment SIP Control Measure Benefits Calculation.xlsx XLSX
    • The interagency consultation meeting recording is too large to be posted. However, it is available upon request
    • The following files were used for the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) modeling. 
      MOVES Documents File Type
      ReadMe_MOVES_RevSIP_MVEB_Files DOC
      moves3-importer-inputs-naa-mveb-02090-2020-revsip (XLSX)
      moves3-importer-inputs-naa-mveb-02090-2021-revsip (XLSX)
      moves3-importer-inputs-naa-mveb-02090-2022-revsip (XLSX)
      moves3-importer-inputs-naa-mveb-02090-2023-revsip (XLSX)
      moves3-importer-inputs-naa-mveb-02090-2024-revsip (XLSX)
      moves3-importer-inputs-naa-mveb-02090-2025-revsip (XLSX)
      moves3-importer-inputs-naa-mveb-02090-2026-revsip (XLSX)
      moves3-importer-inputs-naa-mveb-02090-2027-revsip (XLSX)
      moves3-importer-inputs-naa-mveb-02090-2028-revsip (XLSX)
      moves3-importer-inputs-naa-mveb-02090-2029-revsip (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2020-act (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2021-act (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2022-act (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2023-act (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2024-act (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2025-act (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2026-act (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2027-act (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2028-act (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2029-act (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2020-emis (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2021-emis (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2022-emis (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2023-emis (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2024-emis (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2025-emis (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2026-emis (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2027-emis (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2028-emis (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2029-emis (XLSX)
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2020-imp.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2021-imp.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2022-imp.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2023-imp.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2024-imp.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2025-imp.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2026-imp.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2027-imp.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2028-imp.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2029-imp.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2020-mrs.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2021-mrs.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves-revsip-naa-mveb-2022-mrs.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2023-mrs.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2024-mrs.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2025-mrs.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2026-mrs.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2027-mrs.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2028-mrs.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2029-mrs.xml File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2029-2029-lmp.bat File type not approved for web posting; available upon request
      moves3-revsip-naa-mveb-02090-2029-2029-run.bat File type not approved for web posting; available upon request

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