This webpage provides the physical addresses, main contact phone numbers, and fax numbers for our Regional Offices. For individual staff contact information please see the tabs below.
If you are not sure which office or staff member to contact, feel free to dial our main Drinking Water Program office at 907-269-7656 or 1-866-956-7656 (if you’re calling outside of Anchorage).
- Office Location
- Engineering Staff Contacts
- Compliance Staff Contacts
- Statewide Contacts
- Employee Lookup
Anchorage Office
- 555 Cordova Street
- Anchorage, AK 99501
- Phone: 907-269-7656 or
- 1-866-956-7656 (if you are calling outside of Anchorage)
- Fax: 907-269-7650
Fairbanks Office
- 610 University Ave.
- Fairbanks, AK 99709-3643
- Phone: 907-451-2108
- 1-800-770-2137 (if you are calling outside of Fairbanks)
- Fax: 907-451-2188
Wasilla Office
- 1700 E. Bogard Road, Building B., Suite 103
- Wasilla, AK 99654
- Phone: 907-376-1850
- Fax: 907-376-2382
Soldotna Office
- 43335 Kalifornsky Beach Road, Suite 11
- Soldotna, AK 99669-9792
- Phone: 907-262-5210
- Fax: 907-262-2294
Map of Drinking Water Office Regions
- Please note it may take a moment for the map to load
- The contact information for your region can be obtained by clicking on that region of the map.
- The office information can be obtained by clicking on the office icon in the map.
Anchorage Office
- Plan Submittal Email:
- Chris Pletnikoff, P.E. 907-269-6064
- Engineering Supervisor – Anchorage, Western AK, Aleutians, Kodiak, and Pipeline Region
- Kiana Eller, P.E. 907-269-8812
- Robert Ellis, EIT, Eng. Associate 907-269-3076
- Mike Gerard, EIT, Eng. Assistant 907-269-7632
- Ana Sofia Perez, EPS 907-269-7623
Fairbanks Office
- Plan Submittal Email:
- Johnny Mendez, P.E. 907-451-5193
- Engineering Supervisor – Northern Region
- Shawna Laderach, P.E. 907-451-5032
- Nellie Ballou, P.E. 907-451-2165
- Sara Marshall, P.E. 907-451-2179
- Eric La Mesjerant, EIT, Eng. Assistant 907-451-1685
- Leslie Whiteaker, EPS 907-451-2169
Wasilla and Soldotna Offices
- (combined service area)
- Plan Submittal Email:
- Charity Bare, P.E. 907-262-3400 (Soldotna)
- Engineering Supervisor – Mat-Su Region, Kenai Peninsula Borough, and Southeast Region
- Gary Ellis, P.E. 907-376-1805 (Wasilla)
- Stephen Erdman, EIT, Eng. Assistant 907-376-1846 (Wasilla)
- Heather Benton, EIT, Eng. Associate 907-262-3414 (Soldotna)
- Allen Posma, EIT, Eng. Assistant 907-262-8208 (Soldotna)
- Kellie Alvstad, EPS 907-376-1859 (Soldotna and Wasilla service areas)
Statewide Engineering
- Field Operations (Sanitary Surveys)
- Sam Carlson, P.E. 907-451-2170
- Mike Hyde, Eng. Assistant 907-269-7598
- Statewide Operations (Lead Service Line Inventories, Special Projects)
- Darlene Galido, P.E. 907-269-7516
Anchorage Office
- Data Submittal Email (samples, forms, op. reports):
- Leslie Morrison 907-269-5067
- Supervisor – Anchorage, Western AK, Aleutians, Kodiak, and Pipeline Region
- Kristine Poeppel, EPS 907-269-7521
- Elizabeth Nakanishi, EPS 907-269-7517
- Monica Ague, EPS 907-269-7653
- John Davis, EPS 907-262-8201
- Karis Barnes, EPS 907-262-8204
- *Abby Cahill, EPS 907-269-7618
Fairbanks Office
- Data Submittal Email (samples, forms, op. reports):
- Teslyn Hakala 907-451-3038
- Supervisor – Northern Region
- Michael Sharp, EPS 907-451-2178
- Jenny Roberts, EPS 907-451-2137
- Gretchen Keim, EPS 907-451-2231
- *Leslie Whiteaker, EPS 907-451-2169
Wasilla Office
- Data Submittal Email (samples, forms, op. reports):
- Jamie Bjorkman 907-262-3423
- Supervisor – Mat-Su Region
- Jessica Cahill, EPS 907-376-1824
- Darryl Gillespie, EPS 907-376-1849
- *Kellie Alvstad, EPS 907-376-1859
Soldotna Office
- Data Submittal Email (samples, forms, op. reports):
- Jamie Bjorkman 907-262-3423
- Supervisor – Kenai Peninsula Borough and Southeast Region
- Christina Harris, EPS 907-262-3420
- James Latimer, EPS 907-262-3410
- Emily Hoyt, EPS 907-465-5108
- *Kellie Alvstad, EPS 907-376-1859
Program Manager
- Cindy Christian, 907-451-2138
- Drinking Water Program Manager
Statewide Technical Services
- Data Quality, Project Management, DW Protection
- Heather Murray, 907-269-7619
- Supervisor
- Darlene Galido, P.E. 907-269-7516
- Laura Slaght, EPS 907-269-3056
- Chad Gatt, EPS 907-262-3429
- Vacant, EPS
- Data Quality Management (DQM)
- Data requests, CMDP, ETT List, ESS program, DW Website
- Jeanine Vance, 907-269-2007
- Supervisor
- Karen Garland, EPS 907-269-7576
- Eric Burg, EPS 907-262-3401
- Tom Stock, 907-269-3082
- Analyst Programmer Supervisor
- Robert Lawton, AP 907-451-2168
- Drinking Water Protection, 907-269-7549
- Delineate drinking water source protection areas, Well/intake field verification locations, GIS data, SOC Monitoring Waivers, agency reviews
- Chris Miller, 907-269-7549
- Supervisor
- Ian Needs, Hydrologist 907-269-0292
- Nahoni Hicks, EPS 907-376-1845
- Chris Jackson, EPS 907-269-7658
Sanitary Survey Section
- Sanitary Survey inspections and reviews
- Amy Hill, 907-376-1861
- Supervisor
- Sam Carlson, P.E. 907-451-2170
- Mike Hyde, Eng. Assistant, 907-269-7598
- Connie Kaniewski, EPS 907-269-7956
- Liam Bogardus, EPS 907-451-1633
- Eric Fotter, EPS 907-262-3403
- Dawhn Bodyfelt, EPS 907-750-0465
- Kenzie Schewe, EPS 907-376-1862
- Vacant, EPS
- Michieal Salmon, EPT 907-376-1873