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Endorsed Drinking Water Source Protection Plans

Community Water Systems

  • A Community Water System that has a current Drinking Water Source Protection Plan that meets the criteria established by the Drinking Water Protection program should follow Pathway No. 1
    - OR -
  • A community that has an active enforceable ordinance, agreement or program that explicitly addresses the protection of public drinking water sources should follow Pathway No. 2

Pathway No. 1

Formal written plan meeting the following criteria:

  • A description of the planning team participants' roles and responsibilities.
  • A delineation of the drinking water source protection area.
  • An inventory of potential sources of contamination that includes a plan for routine and regular updates.
  • A summary of the deficiencies affecting source water noted within the latest sanitary survey and action plans to correct the deficiencies.
  • A summary of management tools and protection strategies that will be pursued to manage potential sources of contamination.
  • Prioritization and implementation plan for protection strategies.
  • A contingency plan or Emergency Response Plan (ERP) identifying alternative water sources.
  • Planning team identifies a time frame to review and regularly update the plan.

Pathway No. 2

A community/water system has an ordinance or agreement or a well-defined protection program and formally requests their community/water system be considered for Endorsement by the State of Alaska.

Protection Program:A program that identifies, prioritizes and establishes activities (a minimum of 2) to mitigate the risk of potential contaminant sources within the drinking water source protection area. For example, public education, back-haul programs, hazardous waste recycling, purchase of property or rights to develop, water conservation, and community involvement.

Agreement:Written agreement between the community water system and other entities that directly or indirectly contribute to the protection of the public water system source. For example, lands use restrictions.

Regulatory Measure: An active and enforceable ordinance requiring regulatory protection activities within a drinking water source protection area. Such as, zoning ordinances, subdivision ordinances, site plan review, design standards and operating standards (Best Management Practices).

Further information

Additional Information regarding Endorsed Drinking Water Source Protection Plans, incentives and Substantial Implementation and can be found at the Endorsed Drinking Water Source Protections Plans FAQ or by contacting Drinking Water Protection at 907-269-7549.

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