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America's Water Infrastructure Act (Section 2013)

The 2018 America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) established new requirements for Community Water Systems (CWS) serving more than 3,300 people to conduct Risk and Resilience Assessment (RRA) and revise the Emergency Response Plan (ERP). The purpose of the AWIA Section 2013 requirement is to ensure systems are prepared for and can respond to malevolent acts or natural hazards. The law outlines the major components that must be addressed within the RRA and ERP and establishes deadlines by which CWS' must certify to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the completion of those documents.

Initial certifications were due to EPA in 2020 - 2021 depending on population served. The RRA and ERP must be reviewed at least once every 5 years to determine if they should be revised. Once the review is completed, the system must submit certification to EPA that the RAA/ERP have been reviewed and revised (if applicable). Certifications are due to EPA in 2025 and 2026 depending on population served.

The tabs below contain information on the major planning requirements, deadlines, templates, required forms, and frequently asked questions related to this regulation.

AWIA requires that CWS' certify the RRA and ERP are updated and/or completed. The specific deadlines for when these certification statements should be submitted to EPA are based on a CWS' population served. These deadline dates are specified in the table below for all CWS who currently serve more than 3,300 people.

NOTE: Within 6 months of certifying that you completed the RRA, your utility must certify it has reviewed and, if necessary, revised its EPR.

Public Water System Identification Risk and Resilience Assessment (5-Year Update) Emergency Response Plan (5-Year Update)
AK2210906: MOA Municipality of Anchorage March 31, 2025 September 30, 2025
AK2310730: Golden Heart Utilities December 31, 2025 June 30, 2026
AK2320078: Barrow Utilities & Elec. Coop., Inc. June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2110342: City and Borough of Juneau June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2310900: College Utilities Corporation June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2212039: Doyon Utilities JBER- Richardson June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2370625: Eielson- Air Force Base June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2310918: Ft. Wainwright- Main Post June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2240456: Homer Water System June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2211423: JBER- Elemendorf June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2240448: Kenai Water System June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2120232: Ketchikan Public Utilities June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2250011: Kodiak Water System June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2340010: Nome Joint Utility System June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2310675: North Pole Utilities June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2226020: Palmer Water System June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2240757: Seward June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2130075: Sitka June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2110601: Skagway June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2241054: Soldotna June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2260309: Unalaska Water System June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2310683: University of Alaska- Fairbanks June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2298103: Valdez Water System- Main June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026
AK2224646: Wasilla Water System June 30, 2026 December 30, 2026

If your utility would like to review how to create/update a RRA/ERP, refer to the steps below. If you are simply interested in AWIA requirements, please refer to the Components of RRA/ERP tab for a list of items to include within the RRA/ERP.

Step 1: Review Vulnerability Assessment (a.k.a. Risk and Resilience Assessment )

  • To begin, the CWS must conduct a Risk and Resilience Assessment (RRA). (NOTE: A RRA is similar to a Vulnerability Assessment (VA) systems had to conduct in 2012). Through the RRA, systems are able to identify the major risks and reduce vulnerabilities of critical assets, and mitigate the potential consequences of incidents that do occur. It also guides CWS' with countermeasures that reduce the risk from a threat to the utility’s assets, like security measures, equipment backup power, training and exercises on emergency response plans.
  • Next, EPA has identified 6 distinct asset categories. These categories (specified below) are the physical and cyber elements that systems are required to evaluate in conducting the RRA under AWIA.

Asset Categories

    • Physical barriers
    • Source water
    • Pipes and constructed conveyances, water collection, and intake
    • Pretreatment and treatment
    • Storage and distribution facilities
    • Electronic, computer, or other automated systems (including the security of such systems)
  • Once the CWS has identified malevolent acts that could impact their system, they should use VSAT Web 3.0 to conduct the RRA. VSAT is a user-friendly tool that can help CWS' conduct a RRA. For additional questions regarding VSAT Web 3.0 please email

Step 2: Review/Update Emergency Response Plan (ERP)

  • Once systems have completed the RRA, use this information to create a document (or update your existing document) that describes the strategies a CWS can take to aid in the detection of malevolent acts or natural hazards. This Emergency Response Plan (ERP) must describe a systems strategies, resources, plans, and procedures to prepare for and respond to an incident, natural or man-made, that threatens life, property, or the environment.
  • The AWIA-developed document (link below) contains instructions with an imbedded ERP template that will assist CWS develop an ERP that is in accordance with AWIA Section 2013 requirements. We have provided a separate link to the ERP template below. Additionally, within this document, EPA has identified 4 distinct criteria. This criteria (specified in table below) is the information that must be included in an ERP under AWIA.
Criteria Description
Section 1: Resilience Strategies Strategies and resources to improve the resilience of the system, including the physical security and cybersecurity of the system.
Section 2: Emergency Plans & Procedures Plans and procedures that can be implemented, and identification of equipment that can be utilized, in the event of a malevolent act or natural hazard that threatens the ability of the CWS to deliver safe drinking water.
Section 3: Mitigation Actions Actions, procedures, and equipment which can obviate or significantly lessen the impact of a malevolent act or natural hazard on the public health and the safety and supply of drinking water provided to communities and individuals, including the development of alternative source water options, relocation of water intakes, and construction of flood protection barriers.
Section 4: Detection Strategies Strategies that can be used to aid in the detection of malevolent acts or natural hazards that threaten the security or resilience of the system.

Step 3: Submit Certification to EPA

  • Once you have completed the RRA and ERP, CWS' must certify the documents were completed. 3 options are available to CWS' so they can submit the certification statement to EPA. Refer to the Certification tab for additional details on these 3 options.

Step 4: Update ERP every 5 years

  • Each CWS must review and update (if applicable) their ERP once every 5 years after the system completes their initial certification. Think of the ERP as a "living document" with established routine updates. The ERP must include any revisions to the RRA. Upon completion of that review, the CWS must certify to EPA the RRA/ERP are complete.

Comparison of State Regulation 18 AAC 80.055 to AWIA Section 2013

All CWS' serving 1,000 or more individuals were required to conduct a Vulnerability Assessment and complete an Emergency Response Plan in 2012. With the new AWIA requirement, Vulnerability Assessments (VA) are now referred to as Risk Assessments (RRA). NOTE: The existing VA/ERP templates generated by the Drinking Water Program are not compliant with the AWIA regulation. As such, CWS' must ensure all AWIA requirements (indicated below) are included in the RRA/ERP. The items in bold indicate new requirements.

AWIA Section 2013 Requirements

Risk and Resilience Assessment Requirements
1. The risk to the system from malevolent acts and natural hazards.
2. The resilience of the pipes and constructed conveyances, physical barriers, source water, water collection and intake, pretreatment, treatment, storage and distribution facilities, electronic, computer, or other automated systems (including the security of such systems) which are utilized by the system.
3. The monitoring practices of the system.
4. The financial infrastructure of the system.
5. The use, storage, or handling of various chemicals by the system.
6. The operation and maintenance of the system.
Emergency Response Plan Requirements
1. Strategies and resources to improve the resilience of the system, including the physical security and cybersecurity of the system.
2. Plans and procedures that can be implemented, and identification of equipment that can be utilized, in the event of a malevolent act or natural hazard that threatens the ability of the community water system to deliver safe drinking water.
3. Actions, procedures and equipment which can obviate or significantly lessen the impact of a malevolent act or natural hazard on the public health and the safety and supply of drinking water provided to communities and individuals, including the development of alternative source water options, relocation of water intakes and construction of flood protection barriers.
4. Strategies that can be used to aid in the detection of malevolent acts or natural hazards that threaten the security or resilience of the system.

Refer to the Resources tab for additional tools available for CWS' that help ensure compliance with these requirements.

CWS' are required to review and/or create the RRA/ERP and submit a certification to the EPA that the assessment has been reviewed and, if necessary, revised. There are three ways systems can submit their certifications, as specified below:

Please note, CWS' are also required to submit a recertification to the EPA that the assessment has been reviewed and, if necessary, revised every 5 years.

  • Online Certification: This is the preferred method for certifying the RRA and ERP are complete. By certifying online, the CWS will receive an acknowledgment of receipt CWS owners can keep for their records. They will also be able to certify the RRA and ERP at the same time. Additionally, the CWS will be given the option choose if the VA (submitted under the Bioterrorism Act of 2002) should be returned to the system or destroyed.
    CWS will receive notification emails when the CWS must re-certify the RRA/ERP in 5 years. To certify online, the CWS must either create a new EPA CDX account, or use an existing CDX account.
  • Email: Systems can choose to complete the Risk and Resilience Assessment or Emergency Response Plan certification statement pdf form (below) and email a signed copy to: In the email subject line, please state "Risk and Resilience Assessment certification statement" or "Emergency Response Plan certification statement," along with your PWSID number.
  • Mail: Systems can choose to print, and sign the Risk and Resilience Assessment or Emergency Response Plan certification statement pdf form (below) and mail this version to the following address:
  • U.S. EPA Data Process Center
  • C/O CGI Federal
  • 12601 Fair Lakes Circle
  • Fairfax, VA 220033
The RA and ERP certification statement forms are available below:
Who can I contact from EPA for more information?
  • For AWIA Second 2013 or 2018 questions, (including questions regarding VSAT Web 3.0 or the Emergency Response Plan Guidance and template) please email EPA at For specific questions related to Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), reach out to EPA's Regional EPCRA contacts at:
Do I have to use the ERP Template provided by AWIA?
  • No, AWIA does not require the use of any standards, methods or tools for development of the RRA and ERP. That being said, the resulting RRA and ERP must contain/address all the items identified within the AWIA Section 2013 requirements. Refer to the Components of RRA/ERP tab for a complete list of items to include.
If I have previously generated a VA and ERP, using the state-developed templates, will they be AWIA compliant?
  • No, the existing VA/ERP templates generated by the Drinking Water Program are not compliant with the AWIA regulation. Refer to the Components of RRA/ERP tab for a complete list of items to include.
Who can conduct the RRA and complete the ERP?
  • Any designated representative can conduct the Risk Assessment and complete the Emergency Response Plan.
Am I required to submit my certification to the Drinking Water Program?
  • No, the CWS is not required to submit their certification to the Drinking Water Program. However, we ,at the state, ask that you notify us (via email) when you have submitted your certification to EPA.
Am I required to submit my written ERP to EPA?
  • No, you do not have to submit your written ERP to EPA. You are only required to submit a certification form verifying you have completed a RRA and ERP (available under the Certification tab).
Do I have to have to re-certify or update my RRA?
  • Yes, each community water system serving more than 3,300 persons must review its RRA at least once every five years to determine if it should be revised. Upon completion of such a review, the system must submit to the EPA a certification that it has reviewed its RRA and revised it, if applicable.
Do I have to have to re-certify or update my ERP?
  • Yes, each community water system serving more than 3,300 persons must review and, if necessary, revise its ERP at least once every five years after the system completes the required review of its RRA. The ERP must incorporate any revisions to the RRA. Upon completion of such a review, but not later than six months after certifying the review of its RRA, the system must submit to the EPA a certification that it has reviewed its ERP and revised it, if applicable.
What if I do not have a copy of my most recent RRA?
  • The EPA intends to destroy VAs submitted in response to the Bioterrorism Act of 2002. However, if utilities would like to have their VA and certification documents mailed to them, contact, and on utility letterhead, include the utility name, PWSID, address, and point of contact as an attachment to the email. Or, when you submit your certification online, users will be asked if they want the VA returned or destroyed.
EPA's AWIA FAQ page.


Overview Webinars: EPA has provided recorded versions of AWIA training workshops.


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