Seafood Resources
All Seafood resources
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
- FDA Seafood Page
- This page has up-to-date guidance and resource information for seafood processors, including Seafood HACCP.
- Fish and Fisheries Hazards and Controls Guidance
- This guidance document represents the Food and Drug Administration’s current thinking on the hazards associated with fish and fishery products and the appropriate controls for those hazards. It is intended to assist processors with identifying hazards that are associated with a particular product or process, and formulate control strategies that are written into the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point plan.
- Ready-To-Eat Seafood Pathogen Control Manual (PDF)
- A manual developed by the National Fisheries Institute and based in part on guidelines developed by the FDA for the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods. This manual serves as a resource to and includes information on Environmental Pathogen Control Plans, GMP and Sanitation, Training, Environmental Monitoring, and Product Labeling.
- Example HACCP Plan for Direct Market Vessel Roe Harvesters (DOC)
- Template example in Word for refrigerated salmon roe that will be taken to a secondary processor in 5-gallon buckets.
- Example HACCP Plan for Frozen Shrimp with Antioxidant Additive (DOC)
- Template example in Word for frozen shrimp with an antioxidant additive.
- Example HACCP Plan for Vacuum Packed Frozen Salmon (DOC)
- Template example in Word for vacuum packed frozen salmon.
- Water Sample Collection
- How to take a water sample for Total Coliforms per DEC's Drinking Water Program
- Example Daily Sanitation Checklist and Label Log for Direct Market Vessels (DOC)
- A checklist template that Direct Market Vessel operators can use to create their own. The template includes areas to log daily sanitation, label checks, corrective actions, and a place to record sewage dump locations. The template is in Microsoft Word format and must be modified to your operations before use.
- Example Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP) for Direct Market Vessels (DOC)
- A document template that Direct Market Vessel operators can use to create their own. The template is in Microsoft Word format and must be modified to your operations before use.
- Example Daily Sanitation Checklist and Label Log for Direct Market Land-based Facilities (DOC)
- A checklist template that Direct Market Land-based operators can use to create their own. The template includes areas to log daily sanitation, label checks, and corrective actions. The template is in Microsoft Word format and must be modified to your operations before use.
- Example Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP) for Direct Market Land-based Facilities (DOC)
- A document template that Direct Market Land-based operators can use to create their own. The template is in Microsoft Word format and must be modified to your operations before use.
- Sanitation Guidance for Salmon Roe Recovery Vessels
- Sanitation guidance for vessels that recover salmon roe.
Other Resources
- Oregon State University - Seafood Network Information Center
- An information hub for seafood processors that includes resources on processing, sanitation and seafood HACCP.
- Example Recall Plan for Seafood Processors (DOC)
- A template recall plan that seafood operators can use to create their own.
- Example 801(e) Letter - Export Only (DOC)
- An agreement letter between the processor and foreign purchaser that discloses a food or color additive that is in violation of 18 AAC 34.115; or a product standard in 18 AAC 34.122 that is appropriate to the processed seafood product. The letter must state that the product meets the specifications set by the government of the receiving country where the product will be sold and exported.
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