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NOAA Live Aquatic Animals Health Certificate and General Export Health Certificate Issuance Guidance for Industry

All NOAA Approved Establishments, HACCP QMP, or interested inspection users meeting the export requirements of the destination country will have the option to obtain a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Live Aquatic Animals Health Certificate and/or Export Health Certificate from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Food Safety and Sanitation (ADEC-FSS) program, Anchorage office.

For your guidance:

  1. Certificate request must be made before 10 AM if requesting same day pick-up.
  2. Complete the USDC Application online through the NOAA Seafood Inspection Services Portal.
    • In the "Comments to Seafood Personnel" section of the certificate request form, include that you would like ADECFSS to issue the certificate and provide the courier information.
    • For example: "Pick up certificate at ADECFSS and hold for CFI."
  3. Immediately after submitting your certificate request, call 907-269-7636 to notify the Program and send an email to and include the following information:
    • NOAA Request ID Number
    • Number of Certificates Requested
    • Requestor Name
    • Business Name
    • Phone Number
  4. The export certificate must be requested on or after the official harvest date and issued prior to shipment of product.
  5. Certificates may be picked up:
    • At the ADEC-FSS office located at 555 Cordova Street, 5th Floor, in Anchorage.
    • Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays, between 8 AM and 4:30 PM.

For further inquiry, please contact ADEC-FSS at 907-269-7501 or, or visit NOAA Export Certification

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