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Solid Waste Monthly Teleconferences

These are relaxed and casual conversations about topics that are relevant to rural Alaska.

We regularly have special guests speak about how they accomplished a specific project in their community, so you get to hear about them firsthand. These calls typically occur on the 2nd Wednesday of the month November through May. They are completely free with a 800-number for use if you have poor internet service. No one is ever required to talk if they don't want to.

Solid waste inspctor providing classroom training

2024-25 Schedule

We'll update this page when we schedule our winter/spring calls for 2024-25. In the meantime, you can watch some of the recordings from 2023-24.

2023-24 Topics and Recordings

  • 10/2023: A Winter of Solid Waste Training Opportunities (no recording)
  • 11/2023: Winter Backhaul Preparation (no recording)
  • 12/2023: Show Me the Money: Solid Waste Funding Resources (session recording)
  • 01/2024: GAP Budget and Workplan Assistance (session recording)
  • 02/2024: Disaster Debris and Recovery (no recording)
  • 04/2024: Preparing Your Landfill for Spring Flooding (session recording)
  • 05/2024: Burning at the Landfill During Fire Season (session recording)

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