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Permit Applications and Forms

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One-Time Disposal Authorizations

For a project to qualify for a one-time authorization, you must meet ALL of the following criteria. Review the appropriate application below for further guidance and instructions. For general questions, please contact Rebecca Colvin at


  • Waste must be generated locally (within 25 miles of the disposal site).
  • Waste must be generated from a single project.
  • Active disposal and final closure of the site may not exceed one year in duration.
  • The landfill must be located in a remote area with no year-round access to a system of connected roads with a total length of 100 miles or more OR all permitted landfills are more than 100 road miles away or have refused, in writing, to accept the waste.

We have provided both Microsoft Word and PDF versions of the forms for your convenience. Both versions allow typed text to be entered, but only the Word version provides for the boxes to expand for longer answers. 

Sewage Lagoon Closure guidance - Sewage lagoons that will be closed with the sludge in place must follow this guidance.

Non-Municipal Permit Applications

Non-municipal landfills, also known as monofills, are classified and regulated according to the type(s) of waste they receive. Since the requirements for landfill design, operations, monitoring, and closure vary depending on the type(s) of waste accepted, many non-municipal landfills choose to accept only one type of waste.

General Permit Applications

Solid Waste general permits are issued on a 5-year cycle, with a set expiration date. These permits are written for landfills that operate under specific and similar conditions and they cannot be modified for individual facilities. The solid waste general permits are available for your review below. For ADEC to permit your facility under one of the general permits, you must submit a complete application for review. Once processed, you will receive your approval letter and a copy of the general permit to authorize your facility.

Remote Camps and Lodges with Fewer than 50 Residents

Drilling Waste Storage Facility for Waste Generated on the North Slope

North Slope Borough Class III Landfills

United States Air Force Long Range Radar Sites (LLRS)

Wood Waste Disposal in Rock Pits in Southeast Alaska

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