EPA Funding and Resources
U.S. EPA’s Brownfields Program provides grants and technical assistance to communities, states, and tribes to encourage the assessment, cleanup, and reuse of contaminated or potentially contaminated sites, as well as develops resources to encourage investment in brownfield properties to spur redevelopment.
- EPA Competitive Grants
- EPA Targeted Brownfield Assessments (TBA)
- EPA Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program
EPA Competitive Grants
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA's) Brownfields Program can provide direct funding or services for brownfields assessment, cleanup, revolving loans, environmental job training, technical assistance, training, and research. There are several types of nationally competitive grants available through the EPA Brownfield Program.
- Assessment Grants provide funding for developing brownfield inventories, characterizing sites and identifying past uses, assessing sites to determine existing contamination, conducting cleanup and redevelopment planning, and involving the local community in the planning process/decision-making. Assessment grants can be either site-specific or community-wide.
- Cleanup Grants provide direct funding for cleanup activities and can be used to address petroleum, hazardous substances, pollutants, or co-mingled (hazardous substances and petroleum) contaminants.
- Multi-Purpose Grants provides funding to carry out a range of assessment and cleanup activities, including the development of brownfields inventory and site prioritization, community engagement, site assessments, cleanup activities, and site revitalization planning.
- In addition to the assessment, cleanup, and multipurpose grants, EPA also provides Revolving Loan Fund Job Training grants.
EPA Targeted Brownfield Assessments (TBA)

EPA characterized the Trespass Shooting Range at Delta Junction under its Targeted Brownfields Assessment Program. Additionally, DEC excavated metals-contaminated soil, treated on-site, and arranged for its off-site disposal.
To supplement its competitive grant programs, EPA also offers targeted brownfields assessments (TBA) to local governments and tribes. Through this program, an environmental consultant contractor, through EPA, conducts site assessments, outlines cleanup options, provides cost estimates, and identifies ways of effective community outreach and engagement. These services may include a background and historical investigation and inspection of the site, a full site assessment including sampling activities to identify contaminants and areas of contaminations, and the determination of how much more investigation is needed based on cost estimates and redevelopment plans. The DEC Brownfields Program can assist in requesting TBA services from EPA.
EPA Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program
EPA’s Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program can assist Alaskan communities, tribes, and other stakeholders by increasing their understanding of how to acquire, assess, cleanup, and reuse brownfields. Technical assistance provided by the TAB program comes at no cost to communities.
- Alaska’s TAB provider is the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR)
- The National Tribal TAB provider is Kansas State University (KSU)