Alaska Spill Response Permits Tool
Responding to an oil spill in Alaska can require authorizations form a number of state and federal agencies. This website provides streamlined access to more than 40 permit applications and other forms, guidance, contacts, and other helpful information, reducing the time needed to mount an effective response.
The Alaska Spill Response Permits Tool project was completed and approved by the agencies represented on this website. Not every state and federal agency with an interest in a particular response may be represented. The agencies listed below are those whose forms or authorizations are commonly required for many routine emergency phase oil spill response functions. This list is not exhaustive, during a response it is important to verify permit requirements with the Unified Command, trustee agencies, and other officials.
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Permits by Agency
Environmental Conservation
- Alaska state law requires that oil and hazardous substance releases be reported to ADEC. Contact the nearest Area Response Team.
Permit Applications
- Open burning application information, Open Burning (black smoke) application (PDF 52K)
- Contaminated Soil Transport and Treatment (PDF 50K)
- Food Safety - Camps Information
Other Forms
- Oil and Hazardous Substance Spill Notification (PDF 58K)
- Oil and Hazardous Materials Incident Final Report (PDF 28K)
Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G)
- The ADF&G has jurisdiction over, and permitting authority for, terrestrial mammals (including large game and furbearers), non-migratory birds, freshwater fish, aquatic invertebrates, state fisheries (fish and shellfish), migratory bird hazing, anadromous water bodies, freshwater fish passage, and State Special Areas. Please see the Quick Guide to Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat Spill Response Permitting for more information or contact the ADF&G representative for your area (see Table i-1 of the Wildlife Protection Guidelines for Oil Spill Response in Alaska).
Permit Applications
Natural Resources
Permit Applications
- Land Use Permit Application (SAIL)
- Park Use
- Cultural Resource
- Open Burning (fire season, April 1 - August 31)
Transportation and Public Facilities
Permit Applications
- Lane Closure
- Temporary Construction
- Construct/Maintain Driveway or Approach Road
- Oversize and Overweight Vehicle
- ADOT&PF ePermits (online applications for some permits)
Bureau of Indian Affairs
- For emergency access to individual Native allotments or Native government lands, contact the BIA's Alaska Region Environmental Program at 907-271-4004.
Bureau of Land Management
- For emergency access to BLM-managed lands, contact the relevant district office
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Permit Applications
Federal Aviation Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
- The NMFS (also known as NOAA Fisheries) in Alaska has jurisdiction over, and permitting authority for, whales, dolphins and porpoises, seals and sea lions, federal fisheries, essential fish habitat, habitat areas of particular concern, and most marine species listed as threatened and endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Please see the Quick Guide to Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat Spill Response Permitting for more information or contact the NMFS Spill Response Coordinator at 907-586-7630 or
National Park Service
Permit Applications
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Coast Guard
- National Response Center - Report spills and view reports online.
- Notice to Mariners - Mariners in the vicinity of an incident or response need to be alerted to conditions that can threaten their safety or interfere with their operations. To request a Broadcast Notice to Mariners, contact the appropriate Sector office (24 hours)
- Local Notices to Mariners - Local Notices to Mariners are published weekly for the entire state by District 17 headquarters in Juneau.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- The USFWS in Alaska has jurisdiction over, and permitting authority for, migratory birds (all activities except hazing – see ADF&G section of this page), eagles, sea otters, walruses, polar bears, and threatened and endangered species in these groups, and on national wildlife refuges. Please see the Quick Guide to Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat Spill Response Permitting for more information or contact the USFWS Spill Response Coordinator at 907-242-6893 or
U.S. Forest Service
Other Organizations
Alaska Native Corporations
- ANCSA Corporation Boundaries Map (PDF 3.5M)
- Alaska Native Regional Corporations
- Community Information
Alaska Regional Response Team
The following documents can be found in Change 3 of the Alaska Unified Plan.
- In Situ Burning Guidelines for Alaska
- Oil Dispersant Guidelines for Alaska
- Wildlife Protection Guidelines for Oil Spill Response in Alaska
- Potential Places of Refuge Guidelines
- Historic Properties Protection Guidelines for Alaska FOSCs (PDF 139K)
Permit Applications
- In Situ Burning Checklist (PDF 277K)
- Dispersant Use Checklist (PDF 690K)
- Archaeological Investigations
Other Forms
- Suggested Information to be Provided to Historic Properties Specialists (PDF 69K)
- Documentation of Actions that Resulted in Injury to Historic Properties (PDF 57K)
Unified Command
Permit Applications
Other Forms
Permits by Activity
- Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation - Alaska state law requires that oil and hazardous substance releases be reported to ADEC. Contact the nearest Area Response Team.
- National Response Center - Report spills and view reports online.
- Notice to Mariners - Mariners in the vicinity of an incident or response need to be alerted to conditions that can threaten their safety or interfere with their operations. To request a Broadcast Notice to Mariners, contact the appropriate Sector office (24 hours)
- Local Notices to Mariners - Local Notices to Mariners are published weekly for the entire state by District 17 headquarters in Juneau.
Mechanical Response
- Decanting Guidance (PDF 82K)
- Job Aid: Waste Management and Disposal (PDF 278K)
- USACE Nationwide Permit 20: Oil Spill Cleanup (PDF 332K)
Permit Applications
- ADEC Contaminated Soil Transport and Treatment (PDF 122K)
- ADNR Temporary Water Use (fresh water only) (PDF 115K)
- BSEE Application for Permit to Drill (PDF 227K)
- UC Decanting (PDF 119K)
Other Forms
Non-Mechanical Response
Permit Applications
- ADNR Open Burning (fire season, April 1 - August 31)
- In Situ Burning Checklist (PDF 277K)
- Dispersant Use Checklist (PDF 690K)
Other Forms
Permit Applications
- ADEC Food Safety - Camps
- ADOT&PF Lane Closure (PDF 187K)
- Temporary Construction (PDF 66K)
- ADOT&PF Construct/Maintain Driveway or Approach Road
- ADOT&PF Oversize / Overweight Vehicle
- ADOT&PF ePermits (online applications for some permits)
- ADNR Temporary Water Use (fresh water only)
Waste Management
Permit Applications
- Open burning application information, Open Burning (black smoke) application (PDF 52K)
- ADEC Contaminated Soil Transport and Treatment (PDF 50K)
- ADNR Open Burning (fire season, April 1 - August 31)
- UC Decanting (PDF 119K)
Other Forms
Resource Protection
Wildlife Protection
- Wildlife Protection Guidelines for Oil Spill Response in Alaska
- Marine Mammal Protection
- Bald Eagle Basics - Alaska (PDF)
Permit Applications
- ADF&G Fish Resource
- ADF&G Scientific (birds and mammals)
- USFWS Eagle Take
- USFWS Migratory Bird Scientific Collecting (PDF 552K)
- USFWS Migratory Bird Rehabilitation (PDF 352K)
- USFWS Migratory Bird Special Purpose Salvage
Cultural Resources Protection
Permit Applications
- FAA Request for Temporary Flight Restriction and Notice to Airmen (PDF 139K)
- USDOI Archaeological Investigations
- ANDR Cultural Resource
Other Forms
Land Use
Land Ownership Information
- Land ownership information is available from the Bureau of Land Management's Spatial Data Management System website, or call the BLM Alaska State Office Public Room at 907-271-5960.
- Land ownership information is also available from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources' Alaska Land Records and Alaska Mapper website, or call one of the ADNR's Public Information Centers
- Additional information on lands in rural communities is available from the Alaska Department of Commerce Economic Development's Community Mapping website, or call ASCED at 907-269-4546.
Federal Lands
- For emergency access to BLM-managed lands, contact the relevant district office
- USACE Nationwide Permit 20: Oil Spill Cleanup (PDF 332K)
- USFS Special Use Authorizations
Permit Applications
State Lands
Permit Applications
- ADF&G Fish Habitat
- ADF&G Special Area
- Land Use Information and Resources Forms
- Park Use
- ADOT&PF Lane Closure
- Temporary Construction
- ADOT&PF Construct/Maintain Driveway or Approach Road
- ADOT&PF ePermits (online applications for some permits)
Borough, Municipal, and other Community Lands
- See the Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development's Community Information website for community and regional contacts.
- The ADCED's Local Boundary Commission website provides links to contact information for the organized boroughs.
Alaska Native Lands
- BIA - For emergency access to individual Native allotment or Native government lands, contact the BIA's Alaska Region Environmental Program at 907-271-4004.
- ANCSA Corporation Boundaries Map (PDF 3.5M)
- Alaska Native Regional Corporations
- Community Information