Alaska Certified Water/Wastewater Operator Database
Regulated System Record

The current classification scoring system for the selected facility is shown below. You may also return to search results.

Facility Name: Haines Wastewater Collection System
Location: Haines
Owner/Employer: Haines Borough
Type of Facility: Wastewater Collection
Classification Level: Class 2

Number of Service Connections:    550
Number of Main Line Lift Stations: 4
Gravity Only System: no

Wastewater collection systems are initially classified according to the number of service connections served:

Service Connections    Initial System Class
15 to 500 Class 1
501 to 5,000 Class 2
5,001 to 15,000 Class 3
15,001 or more Class 4

The initial classification will change when one of two conditions is met. First, the classification will increase one class if a system has 15 or more main line lift stations. Second, collection systems where gravity is the only means of wastewater flow will be classified as class 1 regardless of the number of service connections.

NameRoleCert. LevelExpiration DateCEU Req. Met
Dennis DurrPrimaryWWC-212/31/2026No
Allan JobbinsPart-Time   
Henry PollanPrimaryWWC-112/31/2027No
Scott AdamsPrimary   

For more information, please review the Water and Wastewater Operator Certification and Training Regulation (18 AAC 74).
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