Size (Peak day design capacity, gallons per day) - 100,001 - 500,000 | 9 |
Pretreatment - Influent pumping | 2 |
Pretreatment - Manually cleaned screens | 1 |
Pretreatment - Fine screens, including microscreens | 3 |
Pretreatment - Grit removal | 2 |
Secondary Treatment - Aerated lagoon | 8 |
Secondary Treatment - Secondary clarifiers | 4 |
Sludge Thickening and Dewatering - Evaporative sludge drying by means of drying beds | 2 |
Sludge Stabilization and Conditioning - Aerobic digestion | 5 |
Solids Disposal - Land application, if controlled and operated by the operator as part of routine system operations | 5 |