Alaska Certified Water/Wastewater Operator Database
Regulated System Record

The current classification scoring system for the selected facility is shown below. You may also return to search results.

Facility Name: John M. Asplund Wastewater Treatment System
Location: Anchorage
Owner/Employer: Anchorage, City of
Type of Facility: Wastewater Treatment
Classification Level: Class 3

Wastewater treatment systems are classified according to a point rating system. Point values are recognized for each of the various components found in a treatment plant. Points are totaled once all components have been recognized. The total number of points determines the classification of the wastewater treatment system. Click here to view the entire list of components for which points can be counted for wastewater treatment. The specific components that have been recognized toward the classification of this wastewater treatment system are as follows:

Score CategoryScore
Size (Peak day design capacity, gallons per day) - greater than 50,000,00030
Pretreatment - Fine screens, including microscreens3
Pretreatment - Grit removal2
Primary Treatment - Primary clarifiers4
Sludge Thickening and Dewatering - Gravity thickener basin3
Sludge Thickening and Dewatering - Belt filter press, plate-and-frame press, or vacuum filter8
Solids Disposal - Incineration, if controlled and operated by the operator as part of routine system operations12
Disinfection - Chlor-Alkali on-site generation12

Total Score    System Classification
1-30 Class 1
31-55 Class 2
56-75 Class 3
>75 Class 4

NameRoleCert. LevelExpiration DateCEU Req. Met
John KimuraPrimaryWWT-312/31/2025No
Min Kyu HwangPrimaryWWT-412/31/2025No
Michael IngrahamPrimaryWWT-412/31/2025No
Brian EdwardsPrimaryWWT-412/31/2027No
Steven JohnsonPrimaryWWT-312/31/2027No
Brian SchmitzPrimaryWWT-312/31/2027No
Frederick KohliPrimaryWWT-412/31/2025Yes
Hafford DukePrimary   
Roxanne MillerPrimaryWWT-212/31/2025No
Ryan KalsethPrimaryWWT-412/31/2025No
Michael BaileyPrimaryWWT-312/31/2026No
Colby RichardsPrimaryWWT-212/31/2027No
Kenai SparkmanPrimaryWWT-412/31/2027No
Mark SetzerPrimaryWWT-412/31/2026Yes
Rhett MadsenPrimaryWWT-412/31/2025Yes
Robert MeiliPrimaryWWT-312/31/2027No

For more information, please review the Water and Wastewater Operator Certification and Training Regulation (18 AAC 74).
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