Alaska Certified Water/Wastewater Operator Database
Regulated System Record

The current classification scoring system for the selected facility is shown below. You may also return to search results.

Facility Name: Unified Alaskan Utilities-Homestead Water Distribution System
Location: Anchorage
Owner/Employer: Unified Alaskan Utilities-Homestead
Type of Facility: Water Treatment
Classification Level: Class 1

Water treatment systems are classified according to a point rating system. Point values are recognized for each of the various components found in a treatment plant. Points are totaled once all components have been recognized. The total number of points determines the classification of the water treatment system. Click here to view the entire list of components for which points can be counted for water treatment. The specific components that have been recognized toward the classification of this water treatment system are as follows:

Score CategoryScore
Size (Peak day design capacity, gallons per day) - 10,000 - 50,0002
Water Supply Source - Groundwater2
Disinfection - Liquid and powdered hypochlorites3
Storage - Tank capacity less than 50,000 gallons1

Total Score    System Classification
1-30 Class 1
31-55 Class 2
56-75 Class 3
>75 Class 4

Contract Operator:   Northern Utility Services

For more information, please review the Water and Wastewater Operator Certification and Training Regulation (18 AAC 74).
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