Alaska Certified Water/Wastewater Operator Database
Regulated System Record

The current classification scoring system for the selected facility is shown below. You may also return to search results.

Facility Name: Kodiak Water Distribution System
Location: Kodiak
Owner/Employer: Kodiak, City of
Type of Facility: Water Distribution
Classification Level: Class 2

Number of Service Connections:    2532
Number of Pressure Zones: 1
Circulating System: no

Water distribution systems are initially classified according to the number of service connections served:

Service Connections    Initial System Class
15 to 500 Class 1
501 to 5,000 Class 2
5,001 to 15,000 Class 3
15,001 or more Class 4

The initial classification will increase if one of two conditions is met. First, the classification will increase one class if a system has five or more pressure zones. Second, the classification will increase one class if water in the distribution system is circulated or heated to prevent freezing. The initial classification will only increase once, even if both conditions are met.

NameRoleCert. LevelExpiration DateCEU Req. Met
Steven WilsonPrimary   
Severin ReedPrimaryWD-112/31/2025Yes
Jerran NelsonGeneralWD-212/31/2027No
Monica WalkerPrimaryWD-212/31/2026No
Robert BlairPrimaryWD-112/31/2026Yes
Dennis HelmsPrimaryWD-112/31/2026Yes
Morton SlusmeyerPrimaryWD-112/31/2027No
Donald KewanPrimaryWD-112/31/2026Yes
Jose MercadoPrimaryWD-112/31/2025No

For more information, please review the Water and Wastewater Operator Certification and Training Regulation (18 AAC 74).
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