Size (Peak day design capacity, gallons per day) - 100,001 - 500,000 | 9 |
Water Supply Source - Surface water | 6 |
Adjustment and Corrosion Control - pH adjustment | 3 |
Adjustment and Corrosion Control - Corrosion inhibitor | 3 |
Coagulation - Primary coagulant | 5 |
Mixing - Mechanical mixers | 5 |
Flocculation - Mechanical flocculator | 8 |
Sedimentation - Tube settlers | 2 |
Filtration - Granular media | 8 |
Disinfection - Liquid and powdered hypochlorites | 3 |
Disinfection - Additional points if hypochlorites are generated on-site | 2 |
Storage - Water storage tank, for achieving CT | 3 |