Alaska Certified Water/Wastewater Operator Database
Regulated System Record

The current classification scoring system for the selected facility is shown below. You may also return to search results.

Facility Name: Mountain Village Wastewater Collection System
Location: Mountain Village
Owner/Employer: Mountain Village, City of
Type of Facility: Wastewater Collection
Classification Level: Class 1

Number of Service Connections:    180
Number of Main Line Lift Stations: 3
Gravity Only System: no

Wastewater collection systems are initially classified according to the number of service connections served:

Service Connections    Initial System Class
15 to 500 Class 1
501 to 5,000 Class 2
5,001 to 15,000 Class 3
15,001 or more Class 4

The initial classification will change when one of two conditions is met. First, the classification will increase one class if a system has 15 or more main line lift stations. Second, collection systems where gravity is the only means of wastewater flow will be classified as class 1 regardless of the number of service connections.

NameRoleCert. LevelExpiration DateCEU Req. Met
Charles LongPrimary   
John MosesBackup   
Adrian JoeBackup   
Trevor KokrineBackup   

For more information, please review the Water and Wastewater Operator Certification and Training Regulation (18 AAC 74).
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