Alaska Certified Water/Wastewater Operator Database
Regulated System Record

The current classification scoring system for the selected facility is shown below. You may also return to search results.

Facility Name: SWRSD Manokotak Heights School Water System
Location: Manokotak
Owner/Employer: SWRSD Manokotak Heights School
Type of Facility: Small Water System
Classification Level: Untreated

A small water system is a community or non-transient non-community (Class A) water system that serves less than 500 people and less than 100 service connections. Water systems that serve more than 500 people, but less than 15 service connections, are also considered small water systems.

The "untreated" designation means that no treatment chemicals are added to the water. Passive forms of treatment may be used to treat water at a small treated system. Examples of passive treatment include the use of cartridge filters, UV disinfection, or water softeners. Membrane filtration is not considered passive treated. Small systems treating with membrane filtration, chemically aided filtration, or multiple chemicals are classified as water treatment systems.

NameRoleCert. LevelExpiration DateCEU Req. Met
Monte MurphyBackup   
Richard EasthamPrimarySmall-Treated12/31/2024Yes
Doren AyojiakBackupSmall-Treated12/31/2024Yes

For more information, please review the Water and Wastewater Operator Certification and Training Regulation (18 AAC 74).
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