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State of Alaska Air Quality Regulations

For all current and future revisions to 18 AAC 50 regulations, please refer to the Alaska SIP and Regulation Revisions webpage.

18 AAC 50 - Air Quality Regulations, 2019 Adoption Updates, Standard Conditions, PAEL revisions to 18 AAC 50. The regulations went into effect on November 7, 2020.  Details of the proposed revisions can be found at the link below.

18 AAC 50 - Air Quality Regulations, 2018 Adoption Updates to 18 AAC 50. The regulations updates part of this package went into effect on September 15, 2018. The Standard Conditions and related regulatory language parts of this package will be adopted in a future adoption action.

18 AAC 50 - Air Quality Regulations, 2016 Updates - Regulations were signed and filed by the Lt. Governor's office on July 21, 2016. These regulations went into effect on August 20, 2016.

18 AAC 50 - Air Quality Regulations, Administration and Emission Fees - Public Comment Period ended on June 30, 2015. The regulations went into effect on September 26, 2015.

18 AAC 50 - Air Quality Regulations, Conformity, SIP Updates - ADEC public noticed this package of revisions on March 19, 2014. The "regulated NSR pollutant" definition portion of the regulations went into effect on November 9, 2014; the remainder of the revisions went into effect on April 17, 2015.

18 AAC 50 - Adoption Updates Package - ADEC public noticed this package of revisions on April 30, 2013. The Public Comment Period ran from April 30 - June 3, 2013. The revisions went into effect on October 6, 2013.

18 AAC 50 - 1-hr NO2 Standards and Infrastructure SIP - this package is now effective, as of January 4, 2013.

18 AAC 50 - Adoption by Reference Updates and Title V Standard Application and Forms - This package has been signed and filed by the Lt. Governor's office, and the regulation changes went into effect on September 14, 2012.

18 AAC 50 - PM-2.5, 1-hour SO2, and other revisions - this package was signed and filed by the Lt. Governor on August 18, 2011. The revised regulations went go into effect on September 17, 2011.

18 AAC 50, Adoption by Reference Updates and Standard Conditions:

18 AAC 50, Permit Administration and Emission Fees:

Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART):

Oil and Gas Rig Regulations:

Other Links:

If you are unable to download the regulations from the link above, you may request a copy of the Air Quality Regulations by calling 907-465-5121 or e-mail:

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