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Sanitary Surveys

A sanitary survey is on-site review of a public water system’s water source, facilities, equipment, operation, and maintenance. The purpose of a sanitary survey is to evaluate and document the capabilities of a water system’s sources, treatment, storage, distribution system, operation and maintenance, and overall management and financial capacity to continually provide safe drinking water and to identify any deficiencies that might adversely impact a public water system’s ability to provide a safe, reliable water supply.

A sanitary survey must be conducted by certified third party surveyors or DEC Drinking Water Program Staff. Community Water Systems (CWS) are required to have a sanitary survey every three years. Non-transient, Non-community Water Systems (NTNCWS) and Transient Non-community Water Systems (TNCWS) are required to have a sanitary survey every five years.

Sanitary Survey Section

  • ESS File for upcoming survey (third party surveyor)
  • If you'd like to schedule a survey with the DW Program (PWS Owner/Operator)

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