Seafood Forms and Applications
Application Forms (New or Owner Change)
Seafood Processing Facility Agreement
Seafood Processor and Ice Manufacturer Application Instructions and Online Application
Online Payment Portal (Permit Renewals Only)
Export Certificates
Free Sale & Free Sale Authorization Certificates
DEC has temporarily suspended issuing USDC export certificates
Waivers and Variances
Waivers and Variances are not transferrable and are granted on a conditional basis. For entities permitted under 18 AAC 34, there is a $150.00 fee that must be paid before the review can be started (per 18 AAC 34.900(e)(3)(F)).
- Food Variance Request
- This variance is for entities permitted under 18 AAC 31 or 18 AAC 34 that are not able to meet a regulatory provision. The requestor must describe why the designated provision cannot be met and propose an alternative method.
- Seafood Permit Variance
- This variance is for manufactured food operations permitted under 18 AAC 31 that want to process a product that contains seafood. The following documents are required to supplement this request:
- - Documentation of successful completion of seafood HACCP training or job experience.
- - A Process Flow Diagram for the seafood product to be produced
- - A Hazard Analysis for the seafood product.
- - A HACCP Plan for the seafood product based on the hazards reasonably likely to occur.
- - A written Sanitation Plan (SSOP) that covers the eight key points of sanitation and daily monitoring records.
- - A product label for the product being requested to be produced.
- Variance for Seafood Source
- This variance is for food establishments or markets permitted under 18 AAC 31 that want to purchase whole or gilled/gutted seafood from permitted seafood processors or commercial fisherman to further process for the purpose of distribution on site to their patrons (end consumer). This variance restricts the amount of purchased fish to no more than 500 pounds per week and is limited to butchering, freezing, or cooking only.
- Waiver for Seafood Product Testing
- This waiver is for seafood manufacturers permitted under 18 AAC 34 who produce a ready-to-eat product that requires product testing. Firms must have an established environmental sampling program and provide the written documentation listed on the waiver request.