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Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST)

For information on home heating oil tanks, visit the home heating oil tank guidance page.

AST Description Regulating Agencies
Tanks 1,000 gallons or more, and part of a facility subject to AS 46.04.030 (storage capacity of 420,000 gallons or more of refined product or 210,000 gallons or more of crude oil) DEC
Any size tank associated with a commercial building or 4-unit or more private residence State of Alaska Fire Marshal
Tanks/facilities over 1,320 gallons that pose an environmental threat to navigable waters EPA 
A marine transportation related facility that can receive a vessel with a capacity of 10,500 gallons or more  USCG
Commercial tanks/facilities with 10,000 pounds of product (approximately 1,500 gallons gas or 1,200 gallons of diesel) must complete a Tier II Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory. State Emergency Response Commission

Small Tanks or Facilities Under 1,320 Gallons of Storage Capacity

All tank facilities must post Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) contact information on-site, Spill Reporting Placard

Regulation Summary:

Aboveground storage tanks associated with commercial facilities or residential structures with 4 separate units or more are regulated by the State Fire Marshal and/or your local Fire Marshal.

  • Building codes, installation regulations and procedures for closing tanks involving flammable and/or combustible substances are adopted by the fire marshal. In the State of Alaska, the State Fire Marshal is both the head fire official and the head building official. His office has the responsibility and authority to adopt the building, fire and mechanical codes.
  • For information on home heating oil tanks, visit the home heating oil tank guidance page.

Tank Facility With Capacity Between 1,320 and 420,000 Gallons and Not Part of A Facility Regulated Under AS 46.04.030

All tank facilities must post DEC contact information on-site, Spill Reporting Placard

Regulation Summary:

Regulations requiring Class 2 Facility tanks 1,000 gallons and greater but less than 420,000 gallons capacity that are not part of a facility regulated under AS 46.04.030 have not been enforced since May 2021. The regulations have been repealed.

Tanks with aggregate storage capacity greater than 1,320 gallons (including any container 55 gallons and greater) are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and the State Fire Marshal.

The EPA requires the following:

  • Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC) - plans must be signed by a registered engineer and kept at the facility.
  • Personnel training in spill prevention and containment, removal and disposal of spilled oil.
  • Inspection and maintenance program.
  • Proper selection and construction of spill prevention systems including dikes, liners, pumps, absorbent boom, etc.
  • Tier II Emergency and Hazardous Materials Inventory form – must be completed by facilities with 10,000 pounds or more of gasoline or diesel

The Coast Guard requires the following: 

  • Submission of a Letter of Intent to Operate.
  • Submission and approval of an Operations Manual and a Facility Response Plan.
  • Facility operations must include procedures and equipment for fuel delivery from vessel (barge), including:
  1. Designated qualified person in charge of the fuel transfer operation.
  2. Personnel training and response drills.
  3. Safety requirements.
  4. Record keeping.

Tank Facility With Over 420,000 Gallons (Refined Product) Storage Capacity or 210,000 Gallons (Crude Oil)

All tank facilities must post DEC contact information on-site, Spill Reporting Placard

Regulation Summary:

Aboveground storage tank facilities with an effective storage capacity of 420,000 gallons (10,000 barrels) or greater of refined petroleum product or over 210,000 gallons of crude oil are regulated by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) under the Alaska Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 75. Oil, and Hazardous Substances Pollution Control.

Tanks with a storage capacity of 1,000 gallons and above are included in a plan and in the determination of the storage capacity for a facility. See Plan Review Guidance for details.

Regulatory Agency Contacts

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