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Fairbanks Nonattainment Area Fuel Switch Requirement

Effective date: September 1, 2022.

As a requirement under the 18 AAC 50.078(b) of the Fairbanks PM2.5 Serious State Implementation Plan (SIP), a switch from #2 to #1 heating fuel must be implemented starting September 1, 2022. The regulation states that after September 1, 2022, fuel oil containing more than 1,000 parts per million sulfur, such as #2 heating fuel, may not be sold or distributed for use within the boundaries of the non-attainment area. Please note that this requirement only applies to the Fairbanks North Star Borough nonattainment area. This is a year-round permanent requirement put in place to assist the area in reaching the state and federal ambient air quality health standards.

Studies have shown that sulfur emissions are a precursor pollutant that leads to the formation of PM2.5 and are a contributor to PM2.5 levels in the nonattainment area. By switching to fuels that have a lower sulfur content the amount of derived PM2.5 will be lessened, and we will be one step closer to attainment of the federal standard.

The exact language of 18 AAC 50.078(b) reads:

“After September 1, 2022, only fuel oil, containing no more than 1,000 parts per million sulfur, may be sold or purchased for use in fuel oil-fired equipment, including space heating devices. This subsection does not apply to major stationary sources subject to a Best Available Control Technology determination or to diesel-fired equipment or vehicles subject to more stringent federal diesel fuel sulfur requirements.”

This requirement regarding the fuel sulfur levels is only for fuel sold and distributed for use within the non-attainment area, not about the blend in the tanks on September 1. It is understood that it may take several resupply/refuelings before any individual tank may be completely turned over to the new sulfur levels. As long as all fuel being added to a tank meets the less than 1,000 parts per million threshold, then it will be considered in compliance.

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