Talkeetna Lagoon Agreement
- For immediate release — December 6, 2018
- Contact: Tiffany Larson, Environmental Program Specialist IV, Division of Water, 907-451-2298
Juneau, AK — The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation is announcing that the Division of Water Compliance Program has reached an agreement with the Matanuska-Susitna Borough to resolve past violations of discharges from the Talkeetna Sewage Lagoon and implement significant facility upgrades.
The borough has issued a press release that includes background on the agreement and the outcome available:
“Our goal was to work collaboratively with the borough to come up with solutions to the wastewater discharge violations,” said Compliance Program Manager Mike Solter. “Through this process we have reached an agreement which includes the upgrades necessary to ensure the lagoon discharge is compliant and protective of public health and the environment while serving the needs of the Talkeetna community.”
The agreement requires the borough to undertake significant upgrades to the lagoon to ensure ongoing compliance. In total the borough will pay $59,650 in penalties to resolve all of the violations and will spend approximately $7.7 million to complete the necessary upgrades. The project should be completed by the end of 2020.