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Public Scoping for Cottage Food Regulation Updates

Scoping Project Overview

The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is soliciting public input to inform possible updates to the cottage food exemptions found in 18 AAC 31.012.

Cottage food is defined as a category of foods that are produced in a home kitchen and do not require time or temperature control for safety. These non-potentially hazardous foods can be sold in Alaska without a DEC permit if certain conditions are met. More information regarding current cottage food definitions and regulations can be found on the DEC Cottage Food page, and information about other food code exemptions in Alaska can be found on our Food Freedom Infographic.


In April of 2022, Governor Dunleavy signed Administrative Order 331, which established the Alaska Food Security and Independence Taskforce, with the goal of increasing food security for Alaskans and strengthening local economies. The Taskforce created guidelines and recommendations on how best to increase local production, harvest, processing, storage, and use of Alaskan-made food products. To read the full report, visit Alaska Food Security and Independence Task Force 2023 Report.

In support of Governor Dunleavy's objectives outlined in AO331, DEC is seeking public input on how our cottage food regulations might be updated to achieve these goals and support the recommendations made by the Alaska Food Security and Independence Taskforce, while also mitigating risk and protecting public health. In the past, DEC has received feedback regarding the $25,000 annual sales cap when selling cottage foods. Nationally, many states are increasing or eliminating the sales cap, and this is one example of the types of changes being considered by DEC.

Public Participation

DEC is requesting public input regarding whether the cottage food regulations should be changed, and if so, what specific changes should be made. This is not a formal public comment period, and there are no draft regulations for review.

Comments can be submitted via SmartComment.

If you are unable to submit comments via this site, you may submit written comments to:

Beth Fitzgerald
ADEC Division of Environmental Health
555 Cordova St. Anchorage, AK 99501

Comments must be received by 11:59 pm on July Monday, July 31, 2023.

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