3224 Mountain View Drive
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- Database Name: MOA Commercial Property - 3224 Mountain View Drive
- Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
- Location: Anchorage
- Latitude: 61.221700
- Longitude: -149.819800
Key DBAC Services:
- Site Assessment
- DBACs Awarded: 2015
- DEC File Number: 2100.38.521
DEC Contaminated Sites contact: Janice Wiegers, Unit Manager, 907-451-2127 (Fairbanks)
Site Narrative
- Requested by Municipality of Anchorage

Advancing a boring at 3224 Mtn View Drive in Anchorage, Alaska. Image courtesy of 2015 Site Characterization Report.
The property was leased to a private entity from 1958-2003, during which time it was reportedly utilized to store and repair heavy equipment and electrical transformers. Special Olympics Alaska owns the adjacent parcel and was interested in obtaining a long-term lease of the property for their future use and expansion plans.
In SFY 2015, the Municipality of Anchorage was awarded a DBAC to conduct further site characterization. Petroleum constituents, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected in soil above the most stringent DEC Method 2 Cleanup levels. PCBs were detected but not above DEC cleanup levels. However, PCBs have been historically detected in the soil above DEC cleanup levels. PAHs were detected in the groundwater but below DEC cleanup levels, while other pollutants were not detected. It should be noted however, that the water samples may not be representative due to the water level in the well.
In 2019, DEC determined that the contaminant concentrations remaining on site do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment and no further remedial action will be required as long as the institutional controls are maintained and effective and no new information becomes available that indicates residual contamination poses an unacceptable risk.