Pitka’s Point School
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- Database Name: Pitka's Point School
- Status: Active
- Location: Saint Mary’s
- Latitude: 62.031868
- Longitude: -163.286579
Key DBAC Services:
- Site Assessment: Site Characterization
- Hazardous Building Materials Survey
- Structural Assessment
- DBACs Awarded: 2016
- DEC File Number: 2444.38.008
DEC Contaminated Sites contact: Naomi Mason, Project Manager, 907-269-7527 (Anchorage)
Site Narrative
- Requested by ADCCEED
Pitka’s Point school site in Pitka’s Point, Alaska. Photo courtesy of ADEC site file.
The Pitka’s Point School is located on the corner of the Pitka’s point-St. Mary’s Access road and the Safewater Access road. The buildings constructed in 1980, with an addition in 1984 include the school complex, a generator building, and a warm storage facility. The vocational education shop was constructed in 1960, while the teachers housing quarters are assumed to have been built between 1980 and 1984.
In SFY 2016 the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (ADCCED) was awarded a DBAC to conduct additional site characterization on the property including soil sampling, a structural integrity assessment and Hazardous Building Materials Assessment on the teacher’s housing units, and the school building. The report indicates that all three buildings contain asbestos containing materials; lead based paint in the school building; fluorescent light fixtures with PCB-containing ballasts in one of the teacher housing units; along with other additional hazardous materials such as ozone depleting refrigerants, and likely glycol are present. It was recommended that the teachers housing units be demolished due to the condition of the buildings (in disrepair with vast fungal growth), while the school building could be remediated. Diesel contamination was located in soil above DEC cleanup levels outside of the school tank farm. The current lessee is currently remediating the soil contamination on site.