Permit Fees - Effective October 1, 2023
Fees are charged for wastewater discharge permits and plan reviews. Consult the following tables to determine the fee for your permit. If your permit type is not in the tables, your fee may be an "hourly or negotiated" fee as described in 18 AAC 72.959.
- Plan Review and Related Fees
- General Permit Authorization Fees
- Individual Permit Fees
- Fee Reductions
- Contacts
(a) In order to obtain a plan review under this chapter, or to obtain review of a stormwater pollution prevention plan submitted in accordance with a permit issued under 33 U.S.C. 1342(p) (Clean Water Act, sec. 402(p)) or 18 AAC 83, an applicant must pay the fees listed in the following table with the submittal of the plans:
Fee (in dollars) | |
(1) Wastewater system plan review with a daily peak capacity measurement, in gallons per day, of | |
(A) 0 - 1,500 (0-10 bedrooms*) | 655 |
(B) 1,501 - 2,500 (11-16 bedrooms*) | 1,040 |
(C) 2,501 - 15,000 | 1,970 |
(D) 15,001 - 50,000 | 3,320 |
(E) 50,001 and over | Hourly fee in accordance with 18 AAC 72.959 |
(2) Waivers or modifications under 18 AAC 72.0602, 18 AAC 72.540, and 18 AAC 72.640 | 295 |
(3) Nondomestic wastewater systems for discharges that include stormwater runoff for engineering plans required by 18 AAC 72 for projects | |
(A) of less than one acre | 580 |
(B) that are at least one acre but less than five acres | 1,115 |
(C) that are at least five acres but less than 20 acres | 2,080 |
(D) that are 20 acres or more | 2,630 |
(4) Domestic and nondomestic sewer main extensions or replacements | |
(A) up to 1,000 feet | 785 |
(B) for each additional 1,000 feet, or fraction of that amount, over the first 1,000 feet | 385 |
(5) Registration fee for documentation of conventional and alternative wastewater systems not requiring plan approval | 115 |
- Notes to table
- 1 The fees in this table are for review of a single plan. Once a determination is issued, the process is considered complete.
- 2 The fee is not applicable to wastewater systems submitted to the department under 18 AAC 72.200 - 18 AAC 72.290. The fee listed is for a waiver requested for a single prescribed standard (for instance, horizontal separation to surface water and horizontal separation to a water system are two separate standards). The review of separation distance waivers to a public water system, or any components of one, falls under the requirements of 18 AAC 80.
- * Unless otherwise specified and substantiated by the design engineer in their submittal, the Department uses 150 gpd per bedroom as the design flow value.
An applicant must pay the appropriate fee listed in the following table for authorization to operate under an existing general permit issued under 18 AAC 72.900, 18 AAC 83.205, or authorization to operate under a general permit issued under 33 U.S.C. 1342 (Clean Water Act, sec. 402) that has been certified by the Department under 33 U.S.C. 1341 (Clean Water Act, sec. 401):
Fee (in dollars) | |
(1) Annual fee for a domestic wastewater system covered under a general permit, with a daily maximum permitted flow, in gallons per day, of 1 | |
(A) 0 - 1,500 | 665 |
(B) 1,501 - 15,000 | 765 |
(C) 15,001 and over | 1,280 |
(2) One-time fee for a construction activity that consists of excavation dewatering | 950 |
(3) Annual fee for fish hatcheries and aquaculture facilities | 1,715 |
(4) Annual fee for seafood processing covered under a general permit | 1,715 |
(5) Annual fee for log transfer facilities | 435 |
(6) One-time fee for hydrostatic test waters | 1,145 |
(7) One-time fee for aquifer pump testing, in support of mineral mining development and exploration | 1,145 |
(8) Annual fee for wastewater discharges from drinking water filter backwash | 1,635 |
(9) Annual fee for cooling water general permit | 2,050 |
(10) One-time fee for construction general permit (CGP) for stormwater runoff | 580 |
(11) Annual fee for multi-sector general permit (MSGP) for stormwater | 735 |
(12) Annual fee for mechanical placer mining with a mixing zone authorized under 18 AAC 70.2402 | 315 |
(13) Annual fee for placer small suction general permit | 25 |
(14) Annual fee for placer medium suction general permit | 90 |
(15) Annual fee for mechanical placer mining without a mixing zone authorized under 18 AAC 70.240 | 225 |
(16) Annual fee for placer Norton Sound general permit | 715 |
(17) Annual fee for each general permit authorization for oil and gas exploration and development | |
(A) North Slope oil and gas general permit | 700 |
(B) Cook Inlet oil and gas general permit | 3,600 |
(C) Arctic oil and gas general permit | 2,370 |
(D) Underground Injection Control Class I well general permit | 950 |
(18) Annual fee for arctic geotechnical general permit | 4,575 |
- Notes to table
- 1If the applicant is a business with fewer than 20 employees, the fee is reduced by a travel cost of $85.
- 2If the applicant is a business with fewer than 20 employees, the fee is reduced by a travel cost of $25.
(a) An applicant must pay the appropriate fee as listed in the following table for a permit issued under this chapter or 18 AAC 83.110, or for certification of a permit required by 33 U.S.C. 1341 (Clean Water Act, sec. 401):
Fee (in dollars) | |
(1) Annual fee for a domestic wastewater system covered under a general permit, with a daily maximum permitted flow, in gallons per day, of 1 | |
(A) 0 - 100,000 | 655 |
(B) 100,001 and over | 7,920 |
(2) Annual fee for power generation cooling water discharge by a facility | 6,520 |
(3) Annual fee for seafood processing that is not covered under the general permit | 7,040 |
(4) One-time fee for seafood processor modifications within the same year | 325 |
(5) One-time application fee for certification under 33 U.S.C. 1341 of a “dredge-or-fill” permit issued under 33 U.S.C. 1344 (Clean Water Act, sec. 404), for 2 | |
(A) Airport project | 320 |
(B) Other projects or department activities as follows: | |
(i) waiver of certification under 33 U.S.C. 1341 | 130 |
(ii) project disturbing less than one acre | 600 |
(iii) project disturbing 1 - 5 acres | 765 |
(iv) project disturbing 5.01 to 20 acres | 1,160 |
(v) project disturbing greater than 20 acres | 2,375 |
(6) Annual fee for harbor dredge projects | 1,080 |
(7) Annual fee for individual permit for a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) | 9,115 |
(8) Annual fee for bulk fuel and small oil terminals with only a few low-volume discharges | 6,490 |
- Notes to table
- 1If the applicant is a business with fewer than 20 employees, the fee is reduced by a travel cost of $85.
- 2Mine projects and pipelines eight inches or greater in diameter are subjected to a fee as described in 18 AAC 72.959.
If the facility is owned by a business that has 20 or fewer employees, you may be entitled to a reduction in your fee. Please note that this fee reduction only applies to businesses, and not to governmental agencies such as city or state government. To verify whether you qualify for this fee reduction, consult the chart on pages 2 and 3 of the Certificate of Number of People Employed by a Business form. Fill in the form and mail it to the address below.
Please email completed form(s) to
- Or mail to:
- Division of Water – Permit Billing
- Department of Environmental Conservation
- P.O. Box 111800
- Juneau, AK 99811-1800
- For more information, please contact:
- Division of Water – Accountant/Permit Billing
- Department of Environmental Conservation
- P.O. Box 111800
- Juneau, AK 99811-1800
- Office: 907-465-5028
- Email: