Air Compliance Information
The Air Compliance Program uses all compliance tools and resources available to improve air quality by ensuring that air pollution sources are in compliance with state and federal air pollution laws, rules, and permits. Voluntary compliance and pollution prevention are used when working with the regulated community. This section determines compliance of regulated sources of air emissions by inspecting, monitoring, testing, and reviewing records. The Air Compliance Program also responds to complaints, provide compliance assistance to sources and provide input on permits and rules, in addition to reviewing and approving stack tests.
For air emergencies or information don't hesitate to contact:
- Fairbanks
- Elizabeth Chiesa
- Phone: 907-451-2133
- Anchorage
- Samantha Hoover
- Phone: 907-269-7575
- Juneau
- Nilima Hullavarad
- Phone: 907-451-2149
Transfer of Ownership
If a change in ownership or operational control of a permitted facility takes place, this can be accommodated by the department by means of an administrative revision under 40 CFR 71.7(d), adopted by reference in 18 AAC 50.040. The new owner must complete an affidavit assuring the department that he has assumed liability for safely operating the facility in accordance with the State of Alaska regulations and statutes. A facility may not be operated by the new owners unless and until the department has approved the transfer of ownership. Use the from below o advise the Department that a transfer of ownership has taken place.
- Transfer of Ownership Form (PDF)
- Change of Responsible Official Add/Change Form (PDF) (updated 11/25/13)
- Confidentiality of Records Application and Certification Form (PDF) (PDF) (updated 10/13)
- Excess Emissions Reporting Form (PDF)
- Excess Emissions Fillable Reporting Form (DOC)
Submit Forms to:
- Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
- Air Permit Program
- 610 University Avenue
- Fairbanks, Alaska, 99709
Transfer of Ownership and Name Change process for PAELs:
- Submit Transfer of Ownership (PDF) paperwork and list the PAEL(s) affected by the change
- Submit new PAEL application and associated fee of $219 for each PAEL
- Submit Responsible Official documents (DOC)
Transfer of Ownership Process for ORLs or Minor General Permits:
- Submit Transfer of Ownership (PDF) paperwork and list the ORLs or MGs affected by the change
- Submit Responsible Official documents (DOC)
Name Change Process for ORLs or Minor General Permits:
- Submit a signed letter from the Responsible Official specifying the ORLs or MGs to be updated
Smoke Monitoring
For information on prescribed burns or wildland fires and meteorological conditions, contact Barbara Trost or phone: 907-269-6249
Stack Sampling
This is the experimental process to evaluate industrial waste gas stream emissions characteristics. Emitted materials can be solid, liquid, or gas; organic or inorganic. These emissions may contain many different pollutant materials. Measurements and sampling procedures follow specific test methods and protocols to ensure representative and accurate emission data. Test methods are pollutant specific and sometimes industry specific. There are several reasons to measure the type and amounts of materials being emitted:
- Determining emission unit compliance with standards and limits;
- Determining mass balance for materials or product losses;
- Collecting data to select and design control equipment;
- Testing installed control equipment efficiency;
- Controlling processes through continuous or frequent stack gas stream constituent measurement;
- Collecting data to support air resources management programs, control regulations and emission inventories;
- Calibrating and checking relative accuracy of continuous monitors.
Proper planning and reporting help ensure repeatable and representative test results. Test requirements are set out in State and federal regulations. State emission testing requirements (18 AAC 50.220) generally incorporate federal regulations by reference. However, State‐specific exceptions and obligations are listed in Alaska’s Air Quality Control Regulation and Plan.
- Alaska's Source Test Procedure (PDF)
- Alaska's Test Plan Summary Form (PDF)
- Federal Source Test Guidance (PDF)
- EPA Comprehensive Emission Test Guidance
EPA Technology transfer Network Source Test Plan Preparation (PDF)