Kobuk Abandoned Tank Farm
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- Database Name: Kobuk Abandoned Tank Farm
- Status: Active
- Location: Kobuk
- Latitude: 66.906134
- Longitude: -156.881836
Key DBAC Services:
- Site Assessment
- DBACs Awarded: 2013
- DEC File Number: 480.38.002
DEC Contaminated Sites contact: Jessica Hall, Project Manager, 907-269-7553 (Anchorage)
Site Narrative
- Originally requested by the City of Kobuk

Overgrown stockpile located offsite and against Kobuk dump fencing (2012).
In State Fiscal Year 2012, DEC initiated follow-up assessment to the work requested by the City of Kobuk in 2007. However, the scope of work completed in FY2012 consisted only of development of a work plan for stockpile sampling and management. The actual sampling was postponed to the subsequent fiscal year.
The abandoned tank farm was the site of a 2007 DEC Brownfield Assessment where approximately 270 cubic yards of diesel contaminated soil was excavated from the abandoned tank farm site and transported to the stockpile location near the Kobuk Landfill. A Shannon & Wilson field representative traveled to Kobuk in August 2012 to conduct stockpile sampling and visual site assessment of the Backup Generator Site. Diesel range petroleum concentrations in the stockpile at the community landfill remain greater than the DEC cleanup levels for migration to groundwater; however, all concentrations are less than the DEC cleanup levels for direct contact and inhalation. An assessment is underway to determine if the material is suitable for reuse in the landfill. If not, further application of soil amendments (fertilizers) and/or tilling the soil to reduce the diesel range organics (DRO) concentrations will be recommended.

New backup generator facility constructed on old tank farm site.