Tanana Power Company
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- Database Name: Tanana Power Company
- Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
- Location: Tanana
- Latitude: 65.170478
- Longitude: -152.075296
Key DBAC Services:
- Cleanup
- DBACs Awarded: 2014, 2015
- DEC File Number: 780.38.014
DEC Contaminated Sites contact: Bill O'Connell, Project Manager, 907-269-3057 (Anchorage)
Site Narrative
- Requested by City of Tanana

Landspread contaminated soil from the Tanana Power Company in Tanana, Alaska. Image courtesy of the 2015 Corrective Action Report.
The Tanana Power Company generated power at this location from 1966 to 1983 when the property was abandoned. The property consisted of a power plant, two 500-gallon day tanks and a livery on the North portion of the property. A 3-inch fuel pipe connected the day tanks on the property to a 75,000-gallon tank farm on the southern portion of the property. The city plans to construct two buildings on this property: a multipurpose community services facility to replace the town hall and a housing facility.
In SFY 2014, the city of Tanana was awarded a DBAC to conduct a cleanup on the site including excavating and landfarming soils. Approximately 2,300 cubic yards of soil was excavated and transported to the landfarm; however, some of the soil left in the excavation was determined to still have pollutant levels above DEC cleanup levels. In SFY 2015, the city of Tanana was awarded a DBAC to conduct further cleanup on the site. Further excavation of approximately 500 cubic yards of soil and landfarming was conducted. Soil samples from the excavation indicate that similar to the work conducted in 2014, the soil left in the excavation still has pollutant levels that exceed DEC cleanup levels. The city of Tanana is currently managing the landfarm and may reuse the landfarmed soil as cover at the Tanana Landfill following attenuation and with approval from DEC.