Bristol Bay - Potential Places of Refuge
This webpage was used to assist the workgroup in the development of a document describing Potential Places of Refuge (PPOR) in the Bristol Bay Geographic Zone.
The objective of this project has been to identify docking, anchoring, mooring and grounding locations that may be selected as Potential Places of Refuge in order to enhance the overall response process.
Site Selection Documents
The risk layers map depicts some of the risk factors the workgroup used in selecting potential places of refuge. The workgroup identified candidate sites for potential places of refuge. These sites were researched and the resources and attributes of each were placed in a site assessment matrix and key.

Potential Places of Refuge (PPOR)
- Bristol Bay PPOR Zone 1 (PDF 2.3M)
- Bristol Bay PPOR Zone 2 (PDF 1.1M)
- Bristol Bay PPOR Zone 3 (PDF 3.2M)
Bristol Bay PPOR Contingency Plan Document (PDF 257K) - includes introduction and references
Primary Project Participants
- Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
- Alaska Department of Natural Resources
- Alaska Department of Fish and Game
- Alaska Marine Pilots Association
- Association of Village Council Presidents
- City of Bethel
- City of Dillingham
- Bristol Bay Borough
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Crowley Marine Services
- Bristol Bay Native Association
- U.S. Coast Guard, District 17
- U.S. Department of the Interior
- U.S. Coast Guard COTP Western Alaska
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Invasive Species Considerations
Alien or invasive species include seeds, eggs, spores, or other biological material capable of propagating that species that is not native to an ecosystem. Invasive species commonly are transported in ballast waters and cargo associated oil transport and shipping. During operations any species that are encountered that are suspected to be non-native should be collected and presented to wildlife managers. Additional information on invasive species can be found in the “Useful Websites” section below.
Websites of Interest
Invasive species informative websites:
- University of Alaska Fairbanks Annual Invasive Species Working Group
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Invasive Species
- National Invasive Species Information Center
- Alaska Department of Fish and Game
- NOAA Fisheries Alaska Regional Office
For More Information
If you have local knowledge about the Bristol Bay Geographic Zone or for more information or questions pertaining to this project, contact