2025 Certified Installer Course Registration
General Course Information
- The Certified Installer course provides the required training for contractors to become certified to install conventional onsite systems serving private residences, single structure multi-family dwellings with not more than four units, or a single service connection small commercial facility with an expected peak wastewater flow of 500 gallons per day or less
- The initial course may be attended by all Certified Installers, homeowners, and engineers
- The refresher course is for current Certified Installers or installers who have been certified or taken and passed the course within the last two years
- Homeowners taking the course are limited to the initial course only. Homeowner training is valid for one installation serving that individual's owner-occupied private residence within a one-year period, beginning on the date the homeowner attends the training course. The fee is listed below under "Approved Homeowner"
- Students are required to review the Onsite Wastewater System Installation Manual (OWSIM) Technical Guidance and Approved Best Management Practices prior to class. Manuals are also available by pickup from any DEC office
- Those who intend to become Certified Installers must be a licensed general or specialty contractor as described in 18 AAC 72.405(a) or provide proof of employment under a licensed contractor per 18 AAC 72.405(a)(4)
- Registration is mandatory five business days prior to class start
Tuition Fees
- $100 per Certified Installer or Other Attendee
- $275 per Approved Homeowner
2025 Course Information
The Certified Installer course has been scheduled for 2025! The course will be a combination of live online training sessions and learning modules. An in-person summer soils course is also part of the curriculum this year with a focus on percolation tests.
- Initial Statewide Certified Installer Required Curriculum:
- Three live online instructor led training sessions March 18-20, 10 a.m.-12p.m. AKST. You must be able to join with a video device that is compatible with Microsoft Teams
- Four self-learning modules. Modules must be completed prior to the live training sessions. Instructions for access will be provided at least two weeks prior to the live online training sessions
- An in-person soils course to be scheduled early summer 2025. Dates and locations to be determined**
- Refresher Statewide Certified Installer Curriculum:
- Optional: Four self-learning modules. Instructions for access will be provided at least two weeks prior to the live online training session
- Required: Two live online instructor led training session March 20-21, 10 a.m.-12p.m. AKST. You must be able to join with a video device that is compatible with Microsoft Teams
- Required: in-person soils course to be scheduled early summer 2025. Dates and locations to be determined**
*Upon request at least one week in advance, access to the live training sessions will be made available at the DEC offices in Fairbanks, Wasilla, Anchorage, Soldotna, and Juneau
**This is a new addition to the Department’s training program. The Department recognizes the need for more in depth soils instruction that is more hands on and will include department approved field methods for soil classification and percolation tests. The Department intends to schedule a total of three field sessions each summer, one each to be located near the main DEC offices excluding Juneau.
Every installer will need to take the new in-person soils course at least once. The Department will conditionally certify new and existing installers until after the required in-person soils courses can be reasonably expected to be completed.
For additional information please contact the Department.