Industrial or Nondomestic Discharges - Applications
An operator of an industrial facility requesting to discharge wastewater to surface waters must apply for an Alaska Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (APDES) permit. If the discharge is not to surface waters (i.e. it is to land or subsurface), then the operator applies for a state permit.
Two types of permits are available. An individual permit is issued to a specific facility or for a specific disposal activity. A general permit is issued on a state-wide, regional, or geographical basis for a category of disposal activities that are similar in nature and will comply with applicable water quality standards.
All applicants requesting an individual APDES permit must complete Form 1, General Application, in addition to the APDES application specific to your operations and discharge.
Number | Name | Application |
APDES Form 1 |
General Application Must be completed by all applicants required to obtain an individual APDES permit. (Except POTWs who complete APDES Form 2A (PDF).) |
APDES Form 2B |
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) Includes aquatic animal production facilities. |
Not Available Contact DEC. |
APDES Form 2C |
Existing Industrial Facilities Includes manufacturing, commercial, mining, and silvicultural operations. |
APDES Form 2D |
New Sources and New Dischargers Application for Permit to Discharge Process Wastewater |
APDES Form 2E |
Facilities That Discharge Only Nonprocess Wastewater Process wastewater is water that comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by product, waste product, or wastewater. This form is intended for new and existing facilities discharging sanitary wastes and noncontact cooling water. |
APDES Form 2F |
Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity Contact DEC: Storm Water & Wetlands Section 907-269-6285 |
APDES Form 2G |
Antidegradation Form |
Number | Name | Application |
APDES Form 2M |
Request for a Mixing Zone Must be completed by an applicant requesting a mixing zone for a discharge. |