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Fee Evaluation Background & History

The most recent Fee Evaluation report (PDF) was conducted in 2014 and those fee regulations were made effective on September of 2015 and are located on the main fee evaluation webpage.

The following documents provide a history of the Air Permit Fee Regulations and various fee packages that have passed over the last 12 years. The Air Permit Program has made major revisions to the way it charges for permit services. The 2005 Fixed Fee Support Document contains an explanation and background on these changes. The department has established fixed fees for the renewal of Title V Permits, for annual recurring compliance costs for Title V Permits and for certain minor permits and certain permit actions. Certain permits and permit actions, known as Designated Regulatory Services, will be charged for under a fee per hour system at 149% of the hourly rate of the department staff who perform the work. The department also established a method to enter into Negotiated Service Agreements for negotiating and setting the price for complex permits. The documents below list out the past fee evaluations, fee regulations along with supporting documentation.

2010 Fee Rate Evaluation

2006 Fee Rate Evaluation

2005 Fixed Fee Rule Making

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