Carbon Monoxide - Emissions

(Image credit:
Indoor Emissions
Indoor carbon monoxide typically comes from malfunctioning or improperly used fuel-burning appliances, such as furnaces. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publication Protecting Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (PDF) list CO poisoning symptoms and ways to prevent CO poisoning.

(Photo credit: matteo NATALE / iStock)
Outdoor Emissions
Outdoor carbon monoxide emissions in Alaska come mostly from automobiles and trucks. For this reason, nearly all vehicles that are operated in the Municipality of Anchorage or in the Fairbanks North Star Borough are required to pass a vehicle emissions test every two years. See the Vehicle Emissions page for additional information regarding the Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Programs.
Recorded messages of outdoor wintertime daily Carbon Monoxide forecasts are provided by the Municipality of Anchorage: 907-343-4899, and the Fairbanks North Star Borough: 907-459-1234. The FNSB's wintertime CO forecast may also be accessed on their Air Quality web page.