Eagle River - Particulate Matter

(Photo by Glynn Cater)
Eagle River, Alaska was designated a nonattainment for PM10 (dust) in 1987 due to many unpaved roads in the area. Nearly all the gravel roads were paved in the early 1990s, which resulted in Eagle River being reclassified as moderate upon enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. On January 7, 2013 EPA approved the first 10-year Limited Maintenance Plan (LMP) and redesignated Eagle River as attaining the PM10 standard, effective March 8, 2013 (Federal Register 78 FR 900: January 7, 2013).
Under the provisions in the Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 175 A (United States Code (USC) Title 42 Section 7505(b)), States are required to submit a revision to the first 10-year LMP 8 years after the EPA approves the original re-designation. In the EPA LMP Option Guidance, States can prepare the required second 10-year maintenance plan if the area meets the qualification criteria. The second 10-year LMP explains how Eagle River currently meets and will continue to meet the 1987 NAAQS for PM10 through 2033. EPA approved the second 10-year LMP, effective December 9, 2021 (Federal Register 86 FR 62096: November 9, 2021).
Attainment Plan (SIP)
- EPA Approved Second Limited Maintenance Plan
- EPA Approved Limited Maintenance Plan
- EPA Approved PM10 Attainment Plan (PDF)
Maintenance Plan
- Adopted Eagle River Second 10-year Limited Maintenance Plan
- Adopted Eagle River Second 10-year Limited Maintenance Plan Appendix
Projects By ADEC
Maps/Monitoring Plans
- PM10 Maintenance Area Boundary Map (PDF)
- Anchorage/Eagle River Air Monitoring Plan
- Eagle River Air Quality Monitoring Data - PM10
- Eagle River Air Quality Monitoring Data - PM2.5
Control Measures
- Vehicle Emission - I/M Program (discontinued)
- Ethanol-Blended Fuels (PDF) (discontinued)