Clean Diesel Retrofit Projects
During the summer of 2004, the Anchorage School District successfully retrofitted 74 buses with new oxidative catalysts. This was Alaska's first retrofit project.
DEC put money toward the purchase and transport of biodiesel derived from fish oil to Denali National Park during the summer of 2005. Link to Final Draft Report (PDF) for details.
Three diesel garbage trucks and two power generation units at Denali National Park were retrofitted.
ADEC partnered with BP-Alaska and ConocoPhillips to perform $4 million worth of diesel emission reduction projects primarily focusing on engine idle reduction. See the “North Slope Oil Producer Agreement” web page for more details.

(Image courtesy:
ADEC partnered with BP-Alaska and ConocoPhillips to perform $4 million worth of diesel emission reduction projects primarily focusing on engine idle reduction. See the “North Slope Oil Producer Agreement” web page for more details.
With supplemental project funds available from ADEC, the Alaska Lung Association worked with a number of entities in Fairbanks to retrofit fleet vehicles in the area. However, most interested fleets were already turning over to cleaner vehicles and the project ended up providing 2008 Toyota Camry Hybrid sedans to the Play N Learn Community Head Start and Access Alaska, Inc. Link to: Final Report (PDF)