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2024 Amendments to the Fairbanks PM2.5 Serious SIP

Public Review Action - August 27, 2024

Public Review Documents
Public Notice
18 AAC 50 Reg Update
State Implementation Plan (SIP) Proposal Webpage with Hearing Information
Public Notice Version of the 2024 Proposed Amendments to the Fairbanks PM2.5 Serious SIP Webpage containing all supporting documents
Explanation of Changes
Questions and Answers Page
How to Comment instructions
SIP Section III.D.7.06 - Emission Inventory Data
SIP Section III.D.7.07 - Control Strategies
SIP Section III.D.7.08 - Modeling
SIP Section III.D.7.09 - Attainment Demonstration
SIP Section III.D.7.10 - Reasonable Further Progress and Quantitative Milestones
SIP Section III.D.7.11 - Contingency Measures
SIP Section III.D.7.12 - Emergency Episode Plan
SIP Section III.D.7.14 - Conformity and Motor Vehicle Emission Budget (MVEB)
SIP Appendix III.D.7.06 - Emission Inventory Data
SIP Appendix III.D.7.07 - Control Strategies (Document size requires being split into 10 Parts)
SIP Appendix III.D.7.07:  Part 1, Part 2A, Part 2B, Part 2C, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5A, Part 5B, Part 5C, Part 5D
SIP Appendix III.D.7.08 - Modeling
SIP Appendix III.D.7.09 - Attainment Demonstration
SIP Appendix III.D.7.10 - Reasonable Further Progress and Quantitative Milestones
SIP Appendix III.D.7.14 - Conformity and Motor Vehicle Emission Budget (MVEB)
SIP Volume III, Appendices, Section II.A, State Air Statutes and Regulations

Adoption Action - documents to follow

Adoption Documents
Adoption Order
Response to Comments
18 AAC 50 Reg Update, Adopted
SIP Volume III, Appendices, Section II.A, State Air Statutes and Regulations
State Implementation Plan (SIP) Webpage

Filing Certification Action - documents to follow

Filing Certification Documents
Filing Memo, Adoption Order, Registered Regulations

Finalized Regulations Action - documents to follow

Finalized Regulations Documents
18 AAC 50 Regulations

EPA Transmittal Action - documents to follow

EPA Transmittal Documents
Fairbanks Transmittal letter

EPA Approval Action - documents to follow

EPA Approval Documents

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