Stay Informed, Contact Information
Updated: November 7, 2024
Key Contacts
DEC Contaminated Sites Program (provides State regulatory oversight on contaminated sites)
- DEC, Division of Spill Prevention and Response, Contaminated Sites Program
- Jim Fish
- Environmental Program Specialist and Project Manager
- 907-451-2117
DEC Public Water Systems (provides State regulatory oversight of public water systems)
- DEC, Division of Environmental Health, Drinking Water Program
- Cindy Christian
- Program Manager, Field Operations
- 907-451-2138
Alaska Dept. of Health (provides State health-related recommendations and information)
(Note: formerly called the "Alaska Dept. of Health and Social Services")
- DOH Division of Public Health
- Andrew Cyr
- Public Health Specialist
- 907-269-8054
City of North Pole (owner of the public water system to serve the impacted area)
- City of North Pole, Water and City Utility
- Paul Trissel, Utilities Supervisor
- 125 Snowman Lane
- North Pole, AK 99705
- 907-488-8593
Staying Informed
DEC’s extensive website on contamination from the former North Pole Refinery, now the Marathon Terminal, remains the best way to learn about the investigation, monitoring, and cleanup efforts. The City of North Pole now provides a permanent source of sulfolane-free water to residents, land owners and businesses in the areas where groundwater has been contaminated by sulfolane and/or PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). If you have questions, please contact those listed above.
Since the discovery of sulfolane in private drinking water wells in 2009, DEC has maintained communications with the people of North Pole. The outreach effort has been in collaboration with other stakeholders, including the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and Flint Hills Resources Alaska.
DEC has used many forms of communication to ensure that the community is well informed of the status of the site and on how to prevent potential exposure to sulfolane and PFAS. For details on the outreach efforts please see the site history page. Key avenues of communication have included:
- Email and postal updates to our list of interested persons:
- Newsletters
- Fact sheets
- Community Open Houses (see below)
- DEC’s sulfolane website with current information and updates
Open houses and meetings
These provide a forum where community members can meet and talk one‐on‐one with appropriate technical and regulatory officials and learn important information about the project. These events are publicly advertised and open to anyone interested.
Previous Public Events
- December 4, 2019
- Open house
- December 5, 2018
- Open house
- February 24, 2018
- Open house
- February 25, 2017
- Open house
- August 18, 2015
- Open house
- January 14, 2014
- Open house
- June 25, 2013
- State agency open house
- February 20, 2013
- Open house
- May 1, 2012
- Open house
- May 16, 2011
- Community Workshop
- October 5, 2010
- Open house
- May 6, 2010
- Technical Project Team
- February 18, 2010
- Public meeting
- November 23, 2009
- Public meeting