Regional and Area Plan Background Information

Promulgated in September 2018, the State of Alaska’s planning framework for response to oil spill and hazardous materials releases aligns with the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (National Contingency Plan) and the National Response Framework.
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Region 10, and the United States Coast Guard (USCG) District 17 and Sector Anchorage, Sector Juneau, and Marine Safety Unit Valdez manage response operations in accordance with the Alaska Regional Contingency Plan (RCP) and four Area Contingency Plans (ACP). EPA is the predesignated Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) for inland areas and the USCG for coastal areas. ADEC is the predesignated State On-Scene Coordinator (SOSC) for all areas of the state.
Alaska Regional Contingency Plan
- Managed by the Alaska Regional Response Team
- Establishes region planning policy
- Foundation for ACP development
Area Contingency Plan
- Fed. and State On-Scene Coordinators oversee ACP development
- Area committees maintain, update, test, and distribute
- Area-specific response plan, including resources and procedures
Outreach Opportunities and Plan Information
- Regional and Area Contingency Plans
- Superseded Unified/Subarea Plans
- For information regarding meeting locations and agendas, visit the Alaska Regional Response Team website
Area Boundaries and Geographic Zones Map (click image to expand)

Area boundaries
- 3 Coastal: The Arctic and Western Alaska Area, Prince William Sound Area, and the Southeast Area mimic the Captain of the Port Zones and extend seaward 200 nautical miles to the Economic Exclusion Zone. These Areas also extend inland 1,000 yards.
- 1 Inland: The Inland Area extends from the coastal areas; beginning 1,000 yards inland
Geographic Zones
- 1) Southeast Alaska, 2) Prince William Sound, 3) Cook Inlet, 4) Kodiak Island, 5) Aleutians, 6) Bristol Bay, 7) Western Alaska, 8) Northwest Arctic, 9) North Slope, and 10) Interior Alaska
Documents and Presentations
- Regional & Area Planning FAQ
- Annual Review Guidance
- Area Committee FAQ
- Understanding Alaska's Planning Structure
- Structural Reorg Supplemental
- Instructions for State-regulated Facility Owners and Operators
- Area Planning Initiative Presentations
For More Information
- Contact DEC: