Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Prevention and Restoration

- Program Manager:
- Laura Eldred
- 907-376-1855
Imagine the path taken by a drop of water from when it hits the ground to when it reaches a river, lake, groundwater, or the ocean...
On this journey the drop can pick up pollution and carry it along one of these waterbodies. Pollutants come from a wide range of sources. It is often difficult to point to one cause, so it is called nonpoint source pollution (NPS).
The NPS section is Alaska's primary program protecting the water quality in Alaska's streams and lakes from nonpoint source pollution and restoring polluted waters to a healthier condition through a variety of ways.
- Grant Request for Proposals
- Previously funded projects
- Watershed prioritization
- Watershed plans
- Water quality data reports
- Other water quality project reports
- Water Quality Annual Newsletter
- Outreach materials and resources
- Current projects
- Past reports