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Alaska Clean Water Actions Grant

Request for Proposals - Now Closed

DEC is accepting proposals for water quality projects under the Alaska Clean Water Actions (ACWA) grant program. Projects in the following Action Categories are being requested:

  1. Best Management Practices to Improve or Protect Water Quality
  2. Watershed Planning
  3. Public Outreach and Education
  4. Monitoring for Nonpoint Source Pollution or BMP Effectiveness
  5. Marine Beach Pathogen Monitoring

Review the Request for Proposals for additional details, descriptions, and high priority watersheds.

Submittal Deadline

Proposals are due by 11:59 PM on October 21, 2024.

Project Timing

Projects may start no earlier than March 1, 2025 and must be completed by February 28, 2027.

How to Apply

  1. Download the Application template from the box on the right. Fill it out completely.
  2. Download and complete the Workplan Template most representative of your proposed project.
  3. Email the completed Application, workplan, and any other attachments to: by the deadline.


DEC hosted a webinar providing an overview of the grant opportunity and application process. A copy of the presentation and webinar Q&A is posted to the right.


Department of Environmental Conservation

Name Phone Email Location
Laura Eldred 907-376-1855 ACWA Program Manager

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